Chapter 27

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This might not be the best chapter to give you guys for Christmas so I'll give it to you guys on Christmas eve!

There is going to be a bunch of swearing in the chapter just warning you. I put these *** things so you can fill them in.

Sqaishey POV

Today's the day.

Those 3 words have been spinning around my head all day. The clock has been ticking louder every minute. Any footsteps passing my front door could be him.

It was nearly impossible to pull myself out of my bed this morning. My heart seemed to be filled with lead, holding me down.

Last night I had to bail on my skype with Stampy. He can't be worrying about pathetic me. I had realized only a few days ago I was playing the damsel in distress, always crying to someone for help. I need to grow up and do this myself, alone.

So that means not letting anyone see me weak. To not need a shoulder to cry on. No one needing to comfort me, when they could be enjoying themselves. Put on my mask; the smile that no one can see through.

Because I know Hunter. Better than probably anyone else. 'Stop', 'no', and 'leave me alone' are not in his dictionary. Even me officially breaking up with him means nothing. Not to him. He is always going to be the shadow I am watching for, running from. Nothing anyone can do will completely free me from him, and no one will stop him from getting to me. He would kill anyone trying to protect me, even...

The whistling of the kettle broke my train of thought, snapping me to reality. I made my tea and took a sip, not even noticing the burning from the scolding liquid. If anything, it was a relief. I blankly glanced at the clock, barely taking my surroundings. The clock read 11:37 am; 23 more minutes.

I padded to my room in a zombie like trance. After pulling on an old pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt, I just sat there. My phone's buzzing barely reached my ears, but I didn't process the thought. No one with my number actually cares. Stampy and Amy and Squid, they are just too polite to not talk to me. They must pity me, that's it. And I don't blame them one bit. I am just a stupid child who can't stand up for herself.

My phone buzzed again and I picked it up out of habit. There were 2 messages on the lock screen, from Amy and Stampy.

'We are skyping tonight! Don't you dare...'

Said the message from Amy before it was cut off. Stampy's message read

'Crossing my fingers and thinking of...'

Again the guilt hit me. They both could be doing more important things than talking to or worrying about me. I have no intention of skyping Amy tonight, as mean as that sounds. I will be a wreck and I am not leaving Amy feeling obliged to comfort me. No is going to comfort me but me. I put my phone on do not disturb and plugged it in to charge.

Several loud bangs suddenly rang throughout the apartment, meaning only one thing. I shut off my phone and slowly stood up. Another few bangs rang down the hall, followed by a loud crash. Picking up my pace slightly, I found my apartment door swinging wildly on its hinges. In the doorway stood the devil himself, panting and red-faced from anger.

Swallowing down the panic that pushed it's way up my throat, I took a slow step back. That set Hunter off, and he charged at me. I tried to back away, but my back hit a wall and I was trapped.

"You f**king b***h! I leave for 2 months and you go run off to another guy!" He shouted, shoving me back against the wall. My head snapped back and hit the wall hard. I could feel a warm liquid seeping through my hair.

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