Chapter 28

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Stampy's POV

A week and a half later, Squid and I were finishing recording a Quest video when Amy burst into my room. Squid and I had been laughing at the stupidness of the world, but Amy's face told me it wasn't the time. She had this horrified and scared expression that something horrible had happened, and looked close to tears.

"Amy whats wrong?" I asked her, Squid still slightly chuckling. "Shut up Squid" I called back through my microphone.

"You need to get on a train like now!" She cried, hiccuping. Why do I need to get on a train? Squid fell silent and his door opened down the hall.

"Why?! What's wrong!" I asked her, jumping out of my chair and grabbing her arms, shaking her a little. Squid came in and pulled Amy away from me, rubbing her back.

"What happened Amy weren't you skyping Sqaishey?" He asked her. I started pacing back and forth, running my hands through the jungle I call hair.

"I was skyping her and we were talking." Amy sobbed, trying to wipe her eyes as more tears came.

"Then there was this big crash and Sqaishey looked terrified. She said bye hurriedly and tried to hang up but i think she missed the end call button and hit the video button. So the video cut out but I could still hear what was happening." I pulled my suitcase from my cupboard and started tossing in cloths as fast as I could. My x-box and recording stuff quickly followed.

"What happened after that?" Squid asked her, wiping her tears for her.

"There was shouting and the sound of something crashing to ground. Then a thud like someone fell on the ground, and Sqaishey screamed!" Amy cried, dissolving into tears. She buried her face in Squid's chest and I zipped up my suitcase and backpack.

"Thanks Amy" I told her, giving her a small kiss on the top of her head. Squid mouthed 'GO' over Amy's head and I nodded at him.

Leaving Squid to comfort Amy, I ran out of the apartment and hailed a cab. I told him I needed to get to the train station asap and he took off. We were there in minutes and I gave him the money, climbing out of the cab. I ran up to the ticket counter and asked the lady for a ticket to West Midlands on the soonest train possible.

"There is one leaving in 5 minutes, but the next one doesn't leave until 10:00 pm." The lady said, typing on her computer.

"I need the one in 5 minutes." I told her, pulling my credit card out and giving it to her.

"Of course sir." She said. "That will be 248 euros. It leaves from platform 9 in now 4 minutes." I grabbed my ticket and credit card from her and took off. Dodging between people, I sprinted as fast as I could.

'Train to West Midlands leaving in 1 minute'  blared over the loudspeaker as I hopped down the stairs. Running to the train, I got on right before the doors closed behind me and I collapsed against them.

The car rattled and started moving as the train pulled away from the station. I moved over to a seat and put my suitcase in the overhead part. Once I was in my seat I pulled my phone out to try to message Sqaishey.

'Hey are you okay?'

In order to give her time to reply without me stressing too much, I pulled out my visa to play on minecraft a little bit.

After forcing myself to work out some complicated Redstone, I checked my phone again. It was starting to get close to an hour since I texted her. Now I was starting to panic a little bit.

'Her phone probably died Stampy she's fine.'

I told myself. Just because someone doesn't reply in an hour doesn't mean something is wrong. I rested my head on the window, and watched as the ground blurring by start to come into focus, then stop moving all together. The train has stopped moving, but we are in the middle of nowhere!

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