Chapter 3

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Sqaishey POV

Stampy appears on my screen and gosh, he is cute! His hair as adorably messy and his hazel eyes are bright and are twinkling with joy. I wonder why he is so happy, there was no way he is that excited to meet little me. I noticed Stampy was zoning out think about something so I quietly yelled "CAKE" and Stampy immediately jumped. "Where's the cake!?!" "Nowhere" I giggled. "That was mean Sqaishey," Stampy laughed. "Never tease a kitty cat about cake!" Somehow my grin managed to get even wider. "So why were you zoned out and caused me to play that mean trick on you Stampy?" I asked as my curiosity got the better of me. I was expecting him to say that he had just gotten an idea for something so when Stampy said "I just was not expecting such a beautiful girl to be a fan of little old me" I felt my face turn 20 shades of red as I looked down at my lap to try and cover it up. When I looked back up I could see that Stampy had the remains of a blush still lingering on his face. "Why thank you Stampy, but I am nowhere near beautiful. But while we are on the subject, you yourself are quite handsome." I said because it was true. "Thank you, but you and I both know that's not true. I'm a scrawny nerd with crazy hair and the weird laugh!" Stampy said, but I saw he was a bit embarrassed.

We sat there for a moment in uncomfortable silence until I remembered why Stampy had called me. "Oh, why don't you read the puns now?" I said to break the silence. "Oh yea." He laughed, then moved his character around the room, reading the puns. By the third one he was cracking up and had to stop reading them half way through to catch his breath he was laughing so hard. Every time his laughter grew so did my smile. He actually like my puns! When he finished he turned to me both in the game and on skype with the biggest smile on his face. "Those were amazing. Did you come up with them yourself?" He asked. I am giddy as I tell him "yes, would you like to know how you did on the map?" "Of course!" He said as his character punched me. "Well, for the quick build you got top marks" I said laughing as Stampy somehow managed to smile even wider. "The maze took you 7 minutes to find your way out, and was there a reason you were not using a shovel at first?" Stampy blushed again and replied "I didn't think the door would be that deep." I laughed then told him "I guess your memorizing skill thing is not very good because you only got one right!"

We both laughed for a few minutes, then Stampy said, "So Sqaishey, tell me about yourself." "Well, I just finished college for music, I am 17, I love Minecraft and Ducks, and I am a huge fan of you and the Magic Animal Club." I was blushing again by the last part, but I could see Stampy was too. He smiled at me, encouraging me to continue. "I have a brother, my mom likes to bake, and I have 3 pets. My hamster is where I got my Youtube name from, and I am horrible at Hunger Games. I love the color yellow, my birthday is in October, and I live in England." When I said I am horrible at Hunger Games I saw Stampy's eyes light up, as if he had an idea. "Well Miss. Sqaishey, how about we play some Hunger Games and see how bad you are?" Stampy said. I nodded my head yes because I did not trust myself to not scream if I opened my mouth. "Is The Emerald Isle good for you," he asked and I nodded again.

We both logged on and Stampy was right away surrounded by people. We both just laughed as I offered to invite Stampy to my party so that he would not have to fight his way through the masses of people surrounding him. I was actually shocked when a few people came over to wave to me, instead of the Stampy. I waved back then put Stampy and myself in a game. Right when I spawned in, I ran off through the lobby and hid. "Come and find me Stampy!" I said as I crouched to hide my game tag. Stampy sent me a team request then started looking for me. I knew Stampy would see my nametag if I uncrouched to accept the request so I waited until he found me around the side of the building. I then accepted the request as Stampy ran off to hide. "This will be easy for me Stampy, with the dozen or so people chasing you!" I laughed as I could see him surrounded by people when the map popped up. It was gunslinger. "I know this map!" Stampy exclaimed. "It was originally an x-box map that I played several times!" "I guess I will just have to follow you around Stampy, because I have never played on this map, It has always been Hollywood." I said as the countdown reached 10 seconds. "Go mid then run to the train tracks behind you," Stampy said as the clocked reached 0. I sprinted off my pedestal to the emerald blocks that are the chests on this server and grabbed the iron boots, cake, pumpkin pie, and feather in the chest but the swords were stolen by someone. I meet Stampy over by the train tracks with about 5 people following us. "Stampy, it might not be such a good idea to trade stuff with all these people here." "Yep, follow me," Stampy replied as he ran off and I followed after him. We crossed the bridge and made our way over to dam. The grace period was about to end so when we turned and saw people with swords chasing us we legged it. Finally we lost the people chasing us and were able to sort out our stuff. I tossed Stampy the cake and iron boots because he is Stampy, he has to have cake and boots. "Yea Stampy style!" Stampy cheered. "Would you like some full gold armor Sqaishey?" I jumped up and down and Stampy laughed as he tossed me the armor. As I was swapping out some armor in my inventory I started getting hit and shrieked "Stampy save me!" "I will save you helpless ducky!" Stampy said, pretending to be a super hero, making me laugh even though I was dying. Stampy managed to kill the person, but I had half a heart. Stampy tossed me the guy's extra swords and I blocked with it saying "half a heart, team up, team up!" Stampy laughed as we continued playing. We managed to find stone swords each and full chain except for Stampy's boots when on the horizon we saw a guying heading toward us. "Should we get him?" I asked Stampy. "Sure why not?" he replied and we charged. Somehow the guy got us down to a heart each when we saw death match was about to start. Someone else had died while we were fighting. We started running but I heard the ping of an arrow hitting its mark, then another ping as the death screen popped up. "We both died didn't we?" Stampy asked me, laughing hard. I couldn't even nod I was laughing so hard. "That was an epic fail" I finally managed to choke out.

\~~Time Skip~~/

"Stampy its 9:00!! I have to get to bed." I said, sad that I had to go. "Wow we were playing for 8 and a ½ hours! Good night Sqaishey." Stampy said as he waved goodbye then disconnected the call. I felt bad that I had because Stampy looked very sad when I said I had to go but it was late and I had stuff to do tomorrow unfortunately.

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