Chapter 16

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Stampy POV:

I woke up to the weak morning sunlight flowing through the window. I rolled over and glanced at my alarm clock. It read 9:27. I sat up in my bed and stretched my arms out to my sides, then rubbed my face, trying to rid it of remaining traces of sleep. I could hear laughter down the hall so I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. As I walked down the hall I pulled my fingers through my hair to try and fix it but it didn't work. I walked into the kitchen to see Sqaishey buttering several pieces of toast with her back to me and Amy cooking some eggs and bacon. They were chatting and giggling about something. I signaled to Amy to not say anything about my presence as I snuck up on Sqaishey. When I was right behind her, I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist and spun in a small circle. She shrieked and Amy and I laughed. "Morning Ducky, morning Amy" I said, and grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate on the counter. Sqaishey whispered something in Amy's ear and they both laughed. "It really is surprising" Amy laughed. I looked at them in confusion but they ignored my curious stare. Amy dumped her eggs into a bowl and she and Sqaishey brought their food to the table. "I'm going to get Squid, and we can talk about what to do today." I said, and when the girls nodded, I jogged down the hall.

I talked to Squid last night when the girls went to bed but he blatantly refused to admit he had a big crush on Amy, despite how obvious it is. I walked into Squid's room and knelt down on the floor by his head. I whispered in his ear "Amy wants to kiss you" and quickly backed away as Squid shot up. I started laughing and Squid glared at me. "You're going to get it mate!" He growled, and I sprinted out of his room. Squid tried to chase after me but tripped on his covers trying to get up. 

I ran into the kitchen and the girls looked up in surprise. "Squid's after me!" I shouted, and hid behind Sqaishey. Squid ran in and looked around. "Morning ladies, have you seen Stamps?" He asked. Sqaishey and Amy exchanged a glance and Amy said "nope, but if you tell us why you are looking for him then maybe we can help!" "Go on mate, tell them why you're mad!" I called from behind Sqaishey. "Ugh fine. You're safe for now Stamps" Squid sighed in defeat, and grabbed a piece of toast from the table. Smiling, I sat down in the same seat as yesterday. Sqaishey walked over with her hands behind her back. "I think you're forgetting your breakfast KittyCake!" She giggled and put a slice of cake and front of me before sitting down next to me. Smiling, I gave her a side hug and ate my cake quickly. When I finished Amy passed me the bowl of scrambled eggs and I scooped some onto my plate, then Sqaishey's. She smiled and put a forkful in her mouth, but then looked at Amy and glared playfully. I looked up to see Amy making a heart with hands. I laughed and put my arm around Sqaishey's shoulders. She blushed and looked down at her plate and the rest of us laughed. I gently squeezed her shoulders and we all ate our breakfast. 

We had all finished eating and we're just sitting at the table discussing what we should do today. "What about laser tag?" Squid suggested, and Amy's eyes lit up. "OMG please can we do that!" Amy squealed. "All who votes laser tag raise their hands." I said, and all 4 of us raised our hands. "I guess we are going." Squid laughed, and the girls raced off to get dressed. "You know mate... The place laser tag place closest to us allows hostages." I said, and Squid looked at me, confused. "We can hold Sqaishey hostage, and have Amy agree to something to get her teammate back." I laughed, wiggling my eyebrows, and Squid realized what I was saying. "I give up. I like Amy. You happy Stamps?" Squid said, shaking his head. "For the looks out of us two, you're pretty smart." He said and grabbed his and Amy's plates. I grabbed mine and Sqaishey's and we brought them to the sink and went to get dressed. 

I pulled on dark jeans and a black t-shirt. That way it would be harder to see me, even though we would be wearing glowing vests. I grabbed my shoes and walked into the living room to see Sqaishey sitting on the couch in dark jeans and dark shoes, with her hair in a simple braid, but wearing a yellow long-sleeved shirt. I chuckled and sat down next to her to put on my shoes. "I guess you want me to shoot you Sqaishey, with that glowing shirt!" I told her, and Sqaishey laughed. "I'm so good at hiding, you will never find me!" I chuckled, and Sqaishey asked "Why was Squid mad at you earlier?" "Oh that" I laughed. "To wake Squid up I whispered 'Amy wants to kiss you' in his ear and he shot right up." Sqaishey started laughing with me and we were like that as Squid and Amy walked into the living room, ready to go. Amy had her cat hat on and her hair in pigtails. She and Sqaishey must of planned to not blend in because had a pink shirt on. Squid was more sensible and opted to dark clothing like me.

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