Chapter 5

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A/N Hey I just wanted to tell you guys that when you read a chapter, it has been written probably a week or more ago. For example, as I'm posting this, I am writing Chapter 10. I also want to say sorry because the next couple chapters may be a little depressing becasue I wrote them during finals week and I might have let my nerves influence my writing on top of the need for a villain in my story. Sorry I know you might hate me :(

Sqaishey's POV

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face, still happy from the previous day. However, my joy diminished as I remembered what I am doing today. Today is my weekly date planned with my so called 'boyfriend'. He was taking me to the fair then to see the newest Paranormal Activity, even though I have told him numerous time I hate scary movies. He loves them though, and tells me to grow up. I just hope that at the fair we don't go anywhere high up, like those dropper things or the Ferris wheel. I saw someone fall off one when I was little and have been terrified of them since. But of course, Hunter will probably force me to go on it. I wish I could just break up with him, but he threatened to have his dad; who is big in the music industry; blackball me so that I could never have a career in music if I do something he does not like. So I try to have the dates end with him happy, because it has been a lifelong dream of mine to be a singer.

I can't believe I ever fell for him, his spiky black hair that once seemed amusing now seems dangerous and his crystal blue eyes that seemed to hold clarity now only hold coldness, except for when they light up with the cruel joy of seeing me in pain. Sadly, I got up and started to get ready because I am being picked up at 12:30, and if I don't look my best, Hunter will be mad, making things worse for me later.

I went and took my shower, using the shampoo and soap Hunter told me to use. It smells horrible, but for some reason Hunter thinks I smell good like this. Once out of the shower I eat a big breakfast, because Hunter will not pay for much food for me, despite having so much money. I then went to the bathroom to begin the long process of covering up the bruises and scars all over me, both self-inflicted and from Hunter. If, no when, I do not fulfill his unknown standards of what I am supposed to do during our date, I am notified with beatings at the end of it. He brings me into my apartment and delivers his punishment on my body. Last week was particularly worse because he had found my YouTube channel, and was mad that I didn't tell him. When I reached the bathroom I almost burst into tears at the sight of my black and blue body, covered in scars. Slowly, I began the long process of covering them up, starting with my legs and working my way up. I saved my face for last so that when I cried, it would not ruin a lot of makeup.

\~~Time Skip~~/

Right at 12:30 I heard a knock on my apartment door, signaling that Hunter was here. I walked out the door in the sluttish clothes Hunter enjoyed seeing me in, even though I hated them. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the flight of stairs to his limo, forcefully pushing me in, then climbing in after. He told the driver to go, then forced me up against the side of the limo and began one-sidedly making out with me. I held back tears as I was used to this treatment; it was the same thing every time. I once made the mistake of trying to push him off, and crying when he would not stop, and he broke my finger. 5 minutes before we arrived at the fair he stopped, and barked out "Fix yourself, and look happy" before retreating to the other side of the limo to be pleased with himself for torturing me.

When we pulled up at the fair I climbed out of the car with a smile on my face, pulling on my facade of happy as Hunter grabbed my hand and pulled me to the fastest roller coasters, the ones with flips and corkscrews that reached speeds of 100 m/h. After we rode those for an hour we made our way over to the carnival games. There I made sure I never won one. Hunter won a duck at one of them though, then handed it to me. I was shocked until he whispered in my ear "Carry this for me b***h. Now I can practice new ways to hurt you on this duck." There is the Hunter I know.

We only had time for one more ride before we had to go to the movie theater, and the only ride left that I did not like was the Ferris wheel. So of course, that is where we headed. Hunter pushed me into our carriage ahead of him and climbed in after, trapping me against the side. As we rose higher I started to panic, but had to keep it hidden from Hunter. I turned away from him to try and swallow down my nausea but as we reached the top, Hunter forced me around and began making out with me. But this time, he started to go farther, being braver, making this worse for me. I could feel the tears rushing down my face like a waterfall as my feeble attempts to push him off were stopped. As we slowly lowered he pulled away and I puked all over the floor of the carriage. Hunter glared at me with fire in those icy eyes until we reached the bottom, where he acted as a caring boyfriend, quite the opposite of his true character. "She must have eaten too much sugar and she accidentally puked in the car" Hunter told the ride operators before pulling me out of the fair to the limo, nearly dislocating my shoulder. In the car he chuckled softly to himself before throwing a water bottle at me, hitting me in the head. "You better look presentable before we get to the theater, and remain that way so that I can continue where I left off." He said as I mentally began to break down, knowing exactly what he was planning.

\~~Time Skip~~/

As we walked out of the movie I knew I would not be able to sleep for at least a week. Hunter whispered in my ear as the movie started that if I missed one second of the movie I would regret it. We climbed into the limo and as it started moving Hunter scooted over to me with an evil look in his eyes. I opened my mouth to beg for him to leave me alone, but was cut off as he threw himself at me. His cold lips and large body forced me against the seat, but after merely a minute, I felt one hand land on my thigh, the other on my midriff, both slowly climbing. As I quickly processed what was happening I began to shake from a panic attack. I didn't want this, not at all.

Hunter's hands were halfway to their destinations when the car stopped in front of my group of apartment buildings. Hunter carried me out of the car and up and into my apartment with his hands never leaving me. Once inside he headed straight for the bedroom, moving his hands further up my body, and smiling through his kissing as I struggled against him. Just before reaching my bedroom I used every drop of fear and anger I had in me to shove myself out of his arms and onto the floor. As I fell I heard the rrrripppp of multiple clothing items. I glanced down to see my shirt ripped down the front, exposing my 'area' and my bare legs. I fearfully glanced back up at Hunter to see my skirt in one hand and the other hand swooping down to slap me. He slapped me countless times across my face, then pulled off his belt and whipped my legs with it. I screamed in pain, begging for mercy, hoping someone would hear me. But no one did. Hunter pulled me off the ground and against the wall, forcing himself on me for a minute before allowing me to crumple to the floor. There he kicked me in the stomach several times, leaving me breathless, before walking out. Abandoning me on the floor to deal with my mental and physical injuries.

I pulled myself into the bathroom and took out both the first aid kit that was quickly diminishing in supplies, which I set to the side, and my blades. I got them after the first sour date with Hunter, and they quickly became a staple in my date routine. I started slashing both arms, adding to the blood and tears dripping down to the black towel I had set on the floor for this very reason. Once I was done harming myself I set the blades on the sink for me to clean, and turned on the shower. That is the easiest way to clean my physical injuries. The moment I stepped under the water all I see is scarlet as the blood rushes down the drain. After a while to color fades to pink, then finally to normal shower water. I stepped out and dry myself before wrapping up all my cuts. Once I finished I climbed into bed, crying myself to sleep, cuddling the tiger stuffed animal my mom gave me when I first moved out.

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