Chapter 10

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Stampy POV

It is now the 13th of February, and Sqaishey has been here for a week. To tell the truth, we have not done much because Sqaishey had her hurt ankle, then when it was better, the weather was horrible. Mostly we have played Minecraft. Squid has been texting someone all week and won't tell us who, but is constantly teasing me about Sqaishey, and I think he can tell that I do like her. Sighing, I join Squid and Sqaishey at the table. We are all just checking our Twitters as we listen to the storm outside. After a little bit Sqaishey got up and walked down the hall, followed shortly after by the sound of the shower running and Sqaishey singing quietly. Smiling, I listened to Sqaishey's beautiful voice for a minute until Squid said "Mate, you have been single since you and Melanie broke up." I rolled my eyes before turning to Squid and saying "If I ask her out tomorrow will you stop teasing me?" Squid's eyes widened, and he nodded as he said "Of course Stamps. You got an idea?" "Yep, I'm going to do it during a pretend video, like for Amy's birthday. I need to go finish setting it up while Sqaishey is busy." Squid nodded again as I got up. As I walked down the hall to my room I saw him pull his phone out and start texting again. I really need to figure out who he has been talking to all week.

Once in my room I quickly loaded up the Lovely World. What I am planning on doing is change the name of a dandelion to 'Will you go on a date with me?' with an anvil but not say anything. I am going to 'add' someone called FlowerSurprise to the love garden and we would go play games in the FunLand until Sqaishey noticed. I finished setting everything up in the world quickly as I heard Sqaishey get out of the shower. I saved the world before she saw what I was doing. I then texted Amy and Lee, telling them what I wanted to do and asking if they wanted to join me. They both agreed, and I said I would see them tomorrow.

\~~Time Skip~~/

The next morning Sqaishey and I were eating our toast and drinking tea when I nervously said "I need to record a lovely world video, would you like to join me?" "Of course Kittycake. I would love to." Sqaishey said, bouncing in her seat. When we both finished, I quickly helped her set up her x-box, nervous the whole time. Once Sqaishey was all set up, with a set of headphones so she could talk to the other helpers, I walked to my room. When I passed Squid's room I called through the door to tell him that I was about to record. I opened my lovely world up and invited in Sqaishey, Amy, Lee, and Squid. Squid and Lee were already in my house, but Amy and Sqaishey were both in the FunLand. "Nice to meet you Sqaishey" Amy said as I gathered up my stuff for the 'video'. "You too Amy! I'm a big fan! You too Lee!" Sqaishey squealed. I could tell she was super excited. "What are you doing Nugget Face?" Amy said as she and Sqaishey ran past Squid in my furnace room. "Fixing my sword. I'm done Stamps." Squid said as he walked down the hallway so he was behind my room. "Ok guys, I'm muting you now." I said, but didn't actually mute them, and started recording. I wanted to hear Sqaishey when she reads my flower, and I also wanted to record this so I would have it forever. I walked to the corner of my room to do the intro and I could hear Amy and Sqaishey talking. Taking a big breath to calm my nerves, I said my normal intro as I walked out onto the balcony. Turning around, I said "and in this video I am going to be joined by Lee bear, Squid Nugget, Amy Lee, and my new friend Sqaishey!" They all danced out from behind Lee's painting in a conga line and I laughed. "Today is Amy's favorite holiday," I said, hearing Amy laughing as she started to jump up and down. "It's Valentine's Day! The love day when guys give girls flowers or present!" Everyone laughed as Amy nodded her head. "So here you go girls, a lovely jubbly for Amy and a dandelion for Sqaishey." I said as I tossed Amy a rose and Sqaishey the dandelion I had changed. "Squid, do you have a present for the ladies?" "Of course I do" Squid said as he nodded his head before tossing both the girls an ink sack each. The girls laughed and I said "what are we going to do with you Squid nugget! What about you lee?" Lee nodded, and tossed Amy a cake and a pumpkin pie to Sqaishey. "Do you like your presents girls?" I asked and they both danced in place for a moment, giggling. "Now to add someone to my love garden. Today I am adding FlowerSurprise because she has been leaving really nice and funny comments on my videos recently and seems like a very sweet person." I said and heard Amy giggle quietly before Squid punched her. "Today we are going to be playing game in the FunLand, so I am not taking a dog with me." Everyone started to run to the FunLand but I said "Come back everyone, let's race to the FunLand." Quickly everyone ran back to the tree train. "The first one to touch the Helter Skelter wins a... bucket of water!" With that I sprinted off with everyone trailing behind me. Suddenly I saw an ender pearl fly past me and hit the top of the Helter Skelter, then a figure in yellow fall.

'SqaisheyQuack hit the ground to hard'

appeared on the screen and I laughed, then said "Cheaters never win Sqaishey!" as Sqaishey cracked up at the irony. Amy ended up winning and sat in a pool of water while we waited for Sqaishey, and I continued to make-shift commentate. Amy then looked at her ink sack. "Aw Squid! I would love to come visit you and Stampy!" Squid started to dance, causing Amy to giggle and dance with him as I smiled, finally piecing together who Squid has been texting. Squid must have taken my idea and wrote that on the ink sack he tossed her. Sqaishey finally got to us and collected her stuff so I said "Now that everyone is here, let's ride the Helter Skelter!" I continued talking as we all climbed up and rode down, but heard Amy say to Sqaishey "Look what Squid wrote on the ink sack he tossed me! I get to come meet you! Loves it!" Sqaishey's character froze for a minute, and I held my breath. Sqaishey started giggling, before turning around and saying "this isn't a real episode is it?" I shook my character's head, and Sqaishey laughed again. "He can hear me can't he?" Sqaishey said to Amy who nodded. "I would love to go on a date with you Stampy!" Sqaishey said, and I quietly let out the breath I was holding in. Squid and Lee cheered, and Amy, true to form, said "Loves it!" before both girls started giggling. "Is 1 o'clock good for you Sqaishey?" I asked and Sqaishey nodded. Smiling, I said "Thanks for helping guys! Baii!" before leaving the world and ending the recording. Seeing as it is 11:30, I walked down the hall to Sqaishey's room and knocked, before asking "Do you want me to make you a sandwich?" "Yes please." Sqaishey called back. "I'm going to take a shower. Please just leave it in my room." "No problem ducky." I said before walking to the kitchen.

Sqaishey POV

After I heard Stampy walk away, I walked over to the bathroom connected to my room. As I got in the shower, and overwhelming sense of déjà vu hit me like a brick wall. Unwanted tears slipped out of my eyes as I knew what was causing this déjà vu. All my dates with Hunter. Quickly I started building a mental wall. I was not going to think about Horrible Hunter anymore during my stay here because he will never find out. I am sure Stampy won't want to be my boyfriend anyway because I am nothing special. I won't have to worry about Hunter hurting Stampy. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I started to sing 'Happy' to myself as I focused on the fun Stampy and I might have later.

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