Chapter 4

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A/n: Merry Christmas everyone!!! Hope you all have a happy holiday! I am shall give everyone a new chapter because I had already written a bunch and I have them stored, so I am not actually writting this today. Enjoy! :)

Stampy's POV

Sqaishey appeared on my screen, and she looks beautiful, I could feel a smile spread across my face. Her blue eyes were sparkling and her brown hair looked like chocolate. I thought to myself, 'How is this beautiful and funny girl a fan of me? I am just a crazy nerd cat. There is no way that she likes me more than a friend! Wait, Stampy where did that come from?' My thoughts were interrupted when Sqaishey quietly yelled "Cake!" I quickly remembered I was skyping Sqaishey, so true to my character I exclaimed "where is the cake!" Sqaishey giggled "Nowhere," and I playfully glared at her but then started laughing. "That was mean Sqaishey, never tease a kitty cat about cake!" Sqaishey smiled even wider before after a moment curiously asking "So why were you zoned out and caused me to play that mean trick on you Stampy?" I replied "I just was not expecting such a beautiful girl to be a fan of little old me," and felt a blush spread across my face. Luckily Sqaishey blushed and looked down to try and cover it up so she didn't see me blush. When she looked up she said "Why thank you Stampy, but I am nowhere near beautiful. But while we are on the subject, you yourself are quite handsome." I looked down for a moment, embarrassed by her complement but also shocked she didn't think she was beautiful. "Thank you, but you and I both know that's not true. I'm a scrawny nerd with crazy hair and the weird laugh!" I said completely truthful.

We sat there for a moment in uncomfortable silence until Sqaishey remembered why I had called and asked "Oh, why don't you read the puns now?" "Oh yea!" I moved my character around the room reading the puns. Almost immediately I was laughing, a real laugh that only comes from when I am playing with Squid, and I had to stop reading them halfway through to catch my breath I was laughing so hard. I glanced at the skype while trying to catch my breath and saw Sqaishey had joy written all over face. I finished reading the puns and turned both my character and myself to face Sqaishey. "Those were amazing. Did you come up with them yourself?" They were just the kinds of puns I would tell. "Yes," Sqaishey said. "Would you like to know how you did on the map?" "Of course" I said and as I punched Sqaishey. She laughed but thankfully didn't start a punching war which would have distracted us even more. "Well, for the quick build you got top marks" She laughed as I smiled even wider. I figured she would like it if I did something from one of her videos. Sqaishey continues by saying "the maze took you 7 minutes to find your way out, and was there a reason you were not using a shovel at first?" I blushed once again and told her "I didn't think the door would be that deep." Sqaishey laughed and finished by telling me "I guess your memorizing skill thing is not very good because you only got one right!" We both laughed so after a minute I asked "So Sqaishey, tell me about yourself?" I had only just meet her but I could tell I wanted to get to know her. "Well I just finished college for music, I am 17, I love Minecraft and ducks, and I am a huge fan of you and the Magic Animal Club" Sqaishey said. I blushed, still not believing she was a fan, but I saw Sqaishey blush as well, too embarrassed to continue. I smiled at her and nodded, encouraging her. "I have a brother, my mom likes to bake, and I have 3 pets." Sqaishey said. "My hamster is where I got my Youtube name from, and I am horrible at Hunger games." When Sqaishey said she is horrible at hunger games, I got an idea on how to keep talking to Sqaishey. She continued "I love the color yellow, my birthday is in October, and I live in England." When she finished, I said "Well Ms. Sqaishey, how about we play some Hunger Games and see how bad you are?" I was nervous to ask her for some reason. She eagerly nodded and I sub-consciously sighed in relief. 'Why was I so worried? Sqaishey is just a random girl!' "Is The Emerald Isle good for you?" I asked. She nodded again and we logged on.

Within seconds I could not see anything because of the mass of people crowding around me. Sqaishey laughed and smartly suggested that she invite me to her party so that I would not have to fight my way through the crowds. Sqaishey, I noticed, had some people go over to wave to her instead of me. After accepting Sqaishey's party invite I waved to some people and was suddenly teleported into a game. When my game loaded I caught a glimpse of Sqaishey's character running out the door as she giggled. I sent her a teaming request so that we could not kill each other but before accepting she said "Come and find me Stampy!" I smiled to myself and ran out the door. I checked behind the rainbow par-kour and turned around to see a yellow duck crouched at the side of the building. I waved high and said "I'll hid now!" before running off. As I went to hide Sqaishey accepted the request before giggling and said "This will be easy for me Stampy, with the dozen or so people chasing you." She was right, half the people in the lobby were chasing me.

'Gunslinger' popped up in the chat, and I exclaimed "I know this map! It was originally an x-box map that I played several times!" Sqaishey seemed a little nervous as she said "I guess I will just have to follow you around Stampy, because I have never played this map, it has always been Hollywood." Once again Sqaishey was right. People love their Hollywood. I told Sqaishey to go mid then to the train tracks behind us, and when the clock reached zero that is what we did. In my first chest I got gold helmet and a stone sword. My second chest had the rest of a full set of gold armor. I then dashed off to meet Sqaishey at the tracks. As always, I was being followed by like 5 people. Sqaishey pointed out "Stampy, it might not be a good idea to trade stuff with all these people here." I agreed, telling her to follow me as we ran off across the bridge toward the dam.

When the grace period ended we were almost surrounded by people with swords so we once again took off running. When we lost the people chasing us we stopped to replenish our hunger and exchange stuff. Sqaishey tossed my some iron boots and a cake so I cheered "Yea Stampy Style" as I put on my trademark armor. "Would you like some full gold armor Sqaishey?" I asked. Sqaishey jumped and down in reply which I took for a yes and tossed it to her. Sqaishey and I both opened our inventories to sort stuff out when I heard Sqaishey get hit and shriek "Stampy save me!" In my best superhero impression I said "I will save you helpless ducky!" causing Sqaishey to laugh as I killed the guy. I tossed Sqaishey a sword and she blocked with it, imitating me when I am fooling around with Squid. I smiled wide and laughed as Sqaishey and I continued to play the match. Maybe 5 minutes later Sqaishey and I had full chain and stone swords each, plus my iron boots, when we saw another player charging us coming up on the horizon. Sqaishey asked "Should we get him?" "Sure why not?" I replied. Sqaishey and I charged but quickly we both became low on health. This guy is good. The death match notice popped up and Sqaishey and I ran because we had a heart each. We had not noticed someone else die while we were fighting. I suddenly heard an arrow fire and the ping as the death message popped up onscreen. I heard another ping and started cracking up. "We both died didn't we?" I asked Sqaishey. Just like me, Sqaishey was cracking up. It took her a minute before she managed to say "That was an epic fail."

\~~Time Skip~~/

Sqaishey and I finished another hunger games by dying of course when she said "Stampy its 9:00!! I have to go to bed." I was disappointed that she was saying goodbye but I was shocked she played with me for so long without getting bored of me. "Wow we were playing for 8 and a ½ hours! Good night Sqaishey." I said and waved goodbye. I still had a smile on my face as Squid wandered by my room. We shared an apartment, making it a lot easier to record together. "Who have you been playing with all day?" Squid asked curiously. "None of your business Squid Nugget" I laughed. Squid laughed as he continued on to his room. I am sure he is going to question me again in the morning. As it was getting late I got ready for bed, still thinking about how much fun I had with Sqaishey.

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