Chapter 7

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Sqaishey POV

It is now the first week of February, 3 and a half weeks since I met Stampy. He and I have become close friends, or I am pretty sure we have. I thought about all the fun we have been having as I walk to the kitchen to get some ice for my wrist before meeting Stampy on his lovely world in an hour. My wrist still hurts from Hunter almost broke it after on the date after Stampy avenged my death. Oh was he furious. That date Hunter did not stop until I was down to only my underwear before starting to beat me. I am still shocked Stampy couldn't tell that I was upset when we were playing the next day. I was terrified for our next date, because I knew what Hunter would do, but someone smiled down on me and Hunter has to go with his dad to Africa for 2 months for some charity thing. So for 2 months I am free of him and can do what I want.

\~~Time Skip~~/

I skyped Stampy as I logged onto his world. Most of the bruises on my face had faded and the rest I covered up. Stampy answered the call as I spawned into the world over by the love garden. "What shall we do today Ducky?" Stampy asked me and I smiled. "Let's play in the FunLand." I said. "Where are you Stampy?" "I'm in my room," Stampy said, then walked out onto his balcony. "Cooey" Stampy said as he waved to me, then ender pearled over. "Well Stampy...Tag you're it!" I said as I punched Stampy and ran off to the FunLand laughing. As I was almost there I saw an ender pearl fly over my head, straight toward the tree train. Stampy hit the top of the tree, fell to the ground, and died. "Oh" Stampy said as I burst out laughing at the

'StampyLongnose hit the ground to hard'

on the screen. "Cheaters never win Stampy" I said, punching the air in victory. "Well, so I can try to redeem myself, let's play Fish me a Dish!" I nodded my character's head in agreement before we ran off to the game.

After the game, Stampy said "You let me win Sqaishey!" Whoops, Hunter must of made that a habit. "Then what game can you really beat me at Kitty?" I teased Stampy. "Oh follow me" Stampy said as he ran toward the giant Rubix Cube. "No one has ever beat me at this game" Stampy proudly said as we picked up our dyes and shears. Stampy let me be yellow while he is red. As I walked inside I say "We will see about that!" Stampy laughed at the idea that I could beat him before starting the game and running to his pod.

\~~Time Skip~~/

Laughing, I pushed the button to signal me winning for the 5th time in a row. Stampy crouched and walked out of the game with his head down. Laughing, I followed him outside. "Cheer up KittyCake! Let's go play the dunking booth. If you win this, I'll bake you 10 cakes!" Still crouched, Stampy looked up at me. "Would you really?" he said, still pretending to be upset. "Of course I would Stampy! Anything for a friend." I said as we made our way to the game. "I'll be dunked first" I say, climbing up the ladder. "Well Ducky, because you will have to do something when I win, I am going to come up with something I have to do if you somehow manage to win." Stampy said as he hopped into the moving mine cart. "What is it?" I asked, both excited and nervous for what he had to say. "Well because I am going to win, there is no reason to come up with one." Stampy said and we both laughed again. From my spot on the trap door, I could see Stampy lining up his shot. It took him 10 shots to finally hit it and I was cracking up. I nearly tried drowned but Stampy teleported me out. "My turn" I said excitedly as Stampy climbed the ladder. "Give it your best shot. I might as well get comfortable. This cat is keeping his paws dry!" Stampy said as I pulled back my arrow. "In fact, I can taste the ahh!" Stampy said as I screamed "I hit it in one! I win I win I win!!" Laughing, I began spinning in a circle while punching the air.

"You lucky ducky" Stampy laughed as we started walking back to his house because it was starting to become night. "So what is my prize Stampy?" I asked after a minute of silence. "How about I come and pick you up and bring you to my place for a month Sqaishey? Is that a good prize?" Stampy asked me happily. Grinning widely, I squealed "That is an awesome prize!" I glanced over to the skype at the skype to see Stampy smiling as well. "So when should I pick you up?" Stampy asked as we went to bed. "Well I need to pack, so how about you take a train here tomorrow, stay the night, then we go back the day after?" I said and Stampy nodded in agreement. I told him what station to get off at and said good night. I then started dancing around my room from joy. I was going to spend a month with Stampy and Squid! Stampy said that they share an apartment to make it easier to record together. Suddenly I froze. Hunter. If he found out that I was going stay with Stampy for a month he would kill me! But then I remembered, he won't be here until I am home again. He will never find out! With that, I floated around, getting ready for be as I thought about my upcoming month with my best friend.

Stampy POV

Lately I have been having a really fun time playing with Sqaishey. She is very sweet and funny, and she actually enjoys my bad puns. So when she said she would do anything for a friend, inspiration struck. "Well ducky," I said as a plan started to form in my mind. "Because you will have to do something when I win, I am going to come up I have to do if you win." I wanted to keep it a secret because I didn't want to tell Sqaishey what it is and then have her lose so when she asked about what it is I pretended I had not decided yet. I was busy thinking of my plan so it took me 10 shots to hit the target. When Sqaishey hit it in one I was sad for a second because I had lost the cakes, but then smiled as I realized my plan is going to hopefully go into action. As Sqaishey and I started walking back to my house she asked me what her prize is. Nervously, I told her, then glanced at the skype to see she is smiling broadly.

After we figured out how everything was going to work and Sqaishey said goodbye, I sat there grinning like an idiot for a few seconds. Then realizing Sqaishey would be at mine and Squid's apartment in a little over a day, I rushed out of my room to start tidying up. Squid's room is between mine and the guest bedroom so he stuck his head out when he saw me rush past. "What's up with you Stamps?" Squid yelled down the hall. "I invited Sqaishey to stay with us for a month," I yelled back, "now do something useful for once and help me pick up." "I wonder why you would invite Sqaishey to stay with us Stampy." Squid asked cheekily as he walked into the room. I just rolled my eyes and told Squid what is going on. Squid has been teasing me that I like Sqaishey since I met her, but now I am starting to wonder if it's true. Sqaishey is an amazing girl, but there is no way she would like me. Sighing, I finished picking up the guest room before going to bed, almost too excited about seeing Sqaishey to fall asleep.

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