Chapter 8

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Sqaishey POV

The next morning I woke up really early to start picking up my apartment. I don't get how it became so messy. There was a pile of dishes by the sink and papers scattered all over the table. As I picked up, I sang to myself all my favorite songs like 'Na Na Na' and 'Teenagers'' by Gerard Way. When my apartment was not horrible, I went and took a shower before packing my stuff. I tossed in lots of cloths, my soft duck blanket from my grandmother, and all my recording equipment. After a moment I tossed in my stuffed tiger. I feel like I might need it for some reason. Then I went to the bathroom to do my make-up before going to meet Stampy at the train station.

\~~Time Skip~~/

I walked to the section of the station where I am meeting Stampy. Overhead I heard the announcement that Stampy's train would be arriving in 5 minutes so I sat down on a bench to wait. To pass the time I pulled out my phone and started to go through my Twitter feed, smiling at the message Stampy sent a minute ago saying he would be hear any second. I replied to him then got caught up in looking through my feed, occasionally favoriting drawings that were sent to me. I got so distracted that I didn't notice that someone was standing right in front of me until he said "Excuse me miss, but are you the adorable duck that I am meeting here?" "Stampy!" I laughed as I looked up to see him standing there with a smile on his face and a backpack over his shoulder. I hopped up to hug him, and blushed as a few people 'awwed' as they walked by. "So Sqaishey, what should we do?" Stampy asked as we pulled apart. "Well, there is not really anything to do in this town, so how about we go back to my apartment and play Minecraft?" I said. "What a great idea! We never play Minecraft!" Stampy teased as we walked to the bus stop.

\~~Time Skip~~/

Stampy and I had started a new survival on my x-box that I had pulled back out of my bag and were finishing off our first house. Then we decided to go mining. As we entered a large-looking cave, Stampy said "Sqaishey, since we don't know a lot about each other, lets tell each other 1 fact about ourselves every time you find an ore. The rarer the ore, the more personal" "Deal" I say, then smile as Stampy turned the corner to see a bunch of coal. "Guess I start. Uhhh... my middle name is Gregory." Stampy said as he collected his coal. "Like your dog?" I asked, and Stampy nodded as he came across more coal and some iron. "Wow your lucky Stampy, spilling all your secrets." I said, smiling while Stampy thought of something to say. "Well the one time I tried to make a cake in real life, it caught on fire, and when I first started playing Minecraft, I thought I would get bored of it in a month. But I am glad that was not the case." I then came across some coal at the same time as Stampy. "Well my favorite Minecraft food is pumpkin pie." I said. "I guess we both like desserts." Stampy chuckled. "I am going to end up spilling my life story at this rate. How about... my birthday is November 5."

\~~Time Skip~~/

I glanced up at the clock and gasped. Stampy looked at me curiously so I said "kitty, we have been playing forever! Its 11:30 and our train leaves at noon tomorrow!" "Wow time flies when you're having fun! Good night Sqaishey." Stampy said as he gave me a friendly hug before going to my guest bedroom for the night. I sat there for a moment longer, letting my mind wander, when 'Stampy would be such a sweet boyfriend' hopped on my train of thought. I flinched at the thought, shaking my head to clear the crazy idea from it, before making my way to my room. Yet, as I was falling asleep, I started to dream of Stampy and I talking and laughing, having a good time. Then dream Stampy leaned in to kiss me, and I didn't stop him, but the dream shifted to another right before his lips met mine, and my dream-self sighed.

\~~Time Skip~~/

The next morning when I woke up, I realized I didn't have 1 nightmare. Happily I climbed out of bed, and went to walk into the kitchen when I saw my bed head. It was horrible! Quickly I fixed it before leaving my room. I started a pot of tea, then seeing as it was almost 9, I went and knocked on Stampy's door. When I heard him stir, I called "get up sleepyhead! The train leaves in around 3 hours" through the door and walked back into the kitchen just as the kettle went off. I finished fixing my cup of tea just as Stampy wandered down the hall, still half asleep. Giggling, I sipped my tea, because Stampy's curls were sticking every which way. When he reached me, I handed him a mug then went to get the toast before it burnt, not saying 1 word to Stampy about his hair, or 1 word at all because I didn't trust myself not to laugh. I put the plate of toast on the counter and pulled out the butter and some strawberry jam. "Can I have the jam please Sqaishey?" Stampy asked so I passed it to him. After buttering myself a slice of toast, I turned around to face Stampy, and started cracking up. Somehow Stampy had gotten jam on his nose and he looked like a clown. Stampy looked at, completely confused, until between laughs I choked out "you look like a clown." He pulled out his phone to see for himself, then joined me in laughter as he wiped the jam off of his nose. Once we finished our toast and tea, we went to get dressed so we could leave for the train station.

Stampy met me outside my apartment and took my suitcase as I locked my door. "You don't have to do that for me Stampy," I said as Stampy started pulling my suitcase for me. "Well I am going to be a gentleman" Stampy replied as we reached the bus stop.

\~~Time Skip~~/

The train had just set off when both Stampy's and my stomach growled. We never had a chance to eat lunch because we had to rush on to the train. "I am going to get us some nummies," I told Stampy, moving to get out of my seat, before gasping in pain. Concerned, Stampy looked up from the video he was editing on his laptop. "What happened?" Stampy asked. "I went to get up and my ankle started hurting suddenly." I said, holding back tears. It was really hurting."I think I twisted it, because I had my foot in between the seats." "Here let me see your ankle Sqaishey" Stampy said as he moved onto the seat next to me. I lifted my foot onto Stampy's lap and he carefully prodded it as I winced in pain. "Yea I think you twisted it. I am going to get you some ice and a first aid kit so we can wrap it. Just keep your foot elevated." Stampy said as he got up and carefully placed my foot back on the seat before walking down the train. Smiling at Stampy's kindness, I tried to forget the pain until he came back.

When he did come back, I saw his arms were full of stuff. Stampy dropped all the stuff on the table between our seats before sitting back down next to me to wrap my ankle. "Thanks so much KittyCake. I'm so clumsy." I said as Stampy finished by taping the bag of ice to my foot before going back to his seat across from me. "You're welcome ducky. I also got us some snacks and some painkillers for you. The package says they will knock you out for a little while though." Stampy said as he hands me the painkillers and a bottle of water. I swallowed 2 little tab thingies, then Stampy and I started to chat and eat, making plenty of puns in the process. After an hour or so I was starting to fall asleep, so I told Stampy I was going to take a nap, then layed down on my seat. As I was just about to drift off, I felt my head being lifted up, then lowered back down onto something soft. My last thought before I fell completely asleep was 'if only I had a boyfriend as sweet as Stampy'.

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