Chapter 46 Quiet Waters

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Lyse looked out towards the horizon to his west. The lapping oceans of the Valen Sea that separates Umani and the clans, one of the largest oceans in the world, in fact. The gentle mist that clung to the waters obscured the sun that rose from it. Streams of light and warm colors blanketed this early morning, the waves calm and steady, rocking the boat in a gentle lullaby. He wouldn't have thought that just a week ago, he was in mortal danger, tearing his way through a mountain to fight a god in the end. How chaotic those moments had been, to be met with this serene setting. And although Lyse had taken the time to warm up a nice cup of tea, sitting on the crow's nest to enjoy as much of the view as he could, he just couldn't relax his mind.

The agitating thoughts that ran around his mind, shouting in every corridor to echo memories, didn't allow him to relax fully. He thought about what may occur very soon between sips. The spray of colors in the sky reminded him of the burst gouts of lava that threatened to singe him. The danger he had placed himself in and will continue to do so. It all felt unreal. Not what burdens him, no. Those nightmares were the most grounded of oppressors. What troubles him is how the world seemed so much more than it had before. Before he knew about gods, he never questioned the sun. He never questioned the air or water. He never questioned his home; he never questioned being a knight. But as he goes further on this journey of his, he found himself in a world that suddenly grew ten times larger than even his wildest imagination. He has an urge to climb to the heavens himself and process every scrap of a mess that the world may present. It was simultaneously demeaning and encouraging strangely. He was honestly quite intrigued by this world now. When he chose the cohort of exploration, it was out of mere convenience. He wished at first to join the front lines against the frostlanders along with Edlund. But now, he felt a little in kin with what Novia must-see and why she is where she is.

He sipped his tea. It was awful, but at least the taste woke him up. He didn't expect any good tea; most drinkable liquids were either wines from Moxie's quarters or ales and sour juices for the crew. He'd expect at least one mage to be onboard to provide purified water, but there was no luck on that department.

He heard the bells ringing to signify the next shift of crew members to take their stations, as they were approaching the port of Nychta. And soon after, he heard his name being called from below.

"Had your morning upset yet," called Moxie; next to her seemed an exhausted Edlund, rubbing his eyes as he tugged on his coat.

Lyse emptied the last of the cup, the tea releasing his drowsiness as he dropped down. The fall wasn't extremely high, and with aura, he could drift down as easily as a leaf. Blij was approaching them all from below deck with a map that they dug up from their collection. It's rare to have full maps of the Frostland kingdoms or environment, as any cartographer finds themselves hard-pressed to visit the dangerous tundra and white forests that dot the landscape with Hyperboreans prowling about. Though, scouts from armies provide a neat secondary with the map he provided being generously detailed up until the middling portion of the Frostlands.

"Morning Blij," Lyse waved his cup at him. "Find a nice route into Frostlands yet?"

Blij lifted his head and grinned his golden teeth at them. "Morning cubs. Nice to see you in spirits, yes. These old scouting maps are pretty bare in detailing the sizes of rivers. But some of the crew have pointed at a few that are large enough for our ship and carves inward."

"And those will be?" Moxie asked.

"Merdith and Sil'Roma rivers," he told them, turning the map around and pointing at the two. "Merdith is closer, though it takes us directly to the front line of conflict. While the other is a route frequently used by Frostland fishermen to access one of the main capitals of one of the kingdoms called Re'Este."

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