18 - The day before.

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The training days began to blur together. People kept asking for tips on how to light fires, or use a sword, but we just ignored them.

Jerome and I kept practicing, and we improved our skills considerably. But we felt that things looked bleak. I didn't think I was going to go far in these Hunger Deans.

Whenever we walked past the other tributes, they either looked at us in awe, glared at us in jealousy or backed away from us in fear. It was really getting on my nerves. The days felt like they where getting shorter, and soon the final, individual training session was upon us.

We all filed into the waiting room, and sat down. Our little group hung out, until Adam went in for his session. Then Ryan. Then Jerome left.

"Knock 'em dead buddy!" I said as he left. He returned my words with a weak smile before disappearing behind the door. Then Tyler left, and it was just me in the waiting room.

"Good luck Tyler." I said as he got up.

"You too Mitch," he replied before he too, disappeared behind the door. I suddenly realized how nervous I was. I must have been hiding it when other people were in the room, but now, as there is nobody here, it came through. I began tapping my leg to an imaginary song, and I started to sweat.

"Mitchell Everdeen"

I almost jumped out of my skin when my name was called. I walked into the room and waited for the gamemakers to indicate that I could begin.

As soon as they did, I made a bee line for the axes. I played around with them for a bit, showing off my skills, before I turned to the swords. I picked up the diamond one and impaled a couple of test dummies with them. Then I walked over and picked up a bow. I let my hand slide over the cool metal, before I picked it up, along with a quiver full of arrows.

I walked over to where the targets where set up, and I took a couple of practice shots. Once I had warmed up, I walked about ten metres away, and began sprinting towards the target, firing several shots in quick concession without breaking my stride. I looked up to see the gamemakers nodding in approval, and I put back my bow and left the room.

I walked back to my room and had a long shower, before I went to sleep.

*Time skip to the next morning*

The day sped by,and before I knew it, I was standing in front of a full-length mirror, looking at my reflection. My hair had been styled and it was sticking up at the front. I wore a black tux, with a red shirt underneath, topped of with a black tie, giving the whole outfit a sort of checkered look.

I straightened my tie, watching the mirror,and I saw the window to my bedroom open out of the corner of my eye. I grinned, and closed my eyes, turning around at the same time. When I opened my eyes again, I saw Jerome standing in front of me in a black tux, with a white shirt and a red tie.

He wore it so well. I must have gasped a little, because he smirked, and pulled me into a kiss. He pulled away first and looked at my outfit.

"You look hot!" Jerome exclaimed, grinning at me.

"Not as good as you though," I replied, kissing him again.

Suddenly it felt like the walls where closing in on me, and it felt like the weight of the world had just been dumped on my shoulders. I stumbled a bit, and Jerome picked me up, carried me over to the bed, and carefully put me down.

"W-we are going to g-go to the games tomorrow!" I sobbed as Jerome patted my hair.

"I know biggums, I know," Jerome replied, sniffing a little too. I calmed down after a while, rocking back and forth in Jerome's embrace. When I heard Haymitch calling my name,I kissed Jerome goodbye, and watched him climb out of the window, before I walked into the lounge area and sat down with Haymitch, Tyler, Charlotte, Simon, and Tyler's stylist, Jordan, who was wearing  black jeans with a white shirt that was almost completely open, and a black jacket over top of that. He was also wearing black and red glasses.

The TV on the wall flickered into life. The guy that took over Ceaser Flickermans job stared back at us.

"And now! The moment we have all been waiting for! It's time to announce the scores from the tributes private sessions!"

Tyler and I looked at each other and I grimaced slightly, I knew I had done badly. The TV began introducing some players. I wasn't really listening, just kind of staring blankly.

I do however, remember that Ty got a 9, Adam got a 8 and Ryan got a 6. Jerome got a 9, which was a huge relief. I was so proud of him. Then Tyler's face was on the screen. The commentator paused before reading out his score.


We jumped up and down screaming. Well not quite 'we'. Charlotte did, and Tyler's stylist Jordan. The rest of us sat there, our eyes glued to the screen. Now it was my turn.

"And now we have Mitchell Everdeen with a score of...11"

That was the same score mum got the first games she was in. How ironic. Everyone turned and stared at me. My face slowly turned red, and I kind of wanted to jump out of the window.

We couldn't celebrate though, as we had to go to the final ceremony. My palms were sweaty, and I had begun shaking.

I stood to the side of the stage, watching various tributes sit down and answer questions. I didn't pay much attention to them at all. Jerome looked at me nervously before he went on stage. Tyler patted my shoulder before he walked on stage.

Now it was my turn.

I took a deep breath, and walked onto the stage.


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Peace out doods!

- K

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