13 - Sponsors 2

98 6 1



I was so not ready for this. my palms grew clammy, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I must have turned a pale shade of white, as Tyler tapped my arm, and mouthed "Are you OK?"

I nodded weakly, and kept my gaze straight ahead, which surprisingly helped keep me steady on my feet. I zoned out, and didn't even notice when Tyler had to activate the flames on my top half, as I had missed the signal.

I could hear the gasps of spectators, as they watched in awe as Tyler and I were left shirtless. I stole a quick glance at Tyler, and saw that he too, had a reasonably toned body.

I almost sighed in relief. This should help get us sponsors. I hope that Tyler gets a few sponsors at least, it would eat away at me if I knew my teammate, the one person from my home that was also thrown into this hell with me, had nothing, and was picked off as easily as one might flick a bit of lint off a piece of clothing.

I started thinking. Its horrifying and inhumane for us to be forced to do this. Parade around in costumes before having to fight to the death in an arena control ed by game masters. How could the citizens of the capital watch this twisted show? Did they actually enjoy it? Or where they threatened by a higher authority, kind of like how we were, and they were just trying to save their own skins? What if-

I was abruptly snapped out of my train of thought, when President Coin stepped up onto the platform in front of us.

Yeah she wasn't killed, like people say. President Snow was, by Mum, but by the time Mum realized she had killed the wrong person, it was to late to do anything bout it.

"Tributes. We welcome you. To the fifteenth annual, HUNGER GAMES!" Coin yelled over the sound system.

"If you didn't know already, you are going to fight against seventeen other males, all of whom are standing around you. Alliances will form quickly, and there will be broken trust and bloodshed. So much bloodshed..." She trailed off a little, and looked so sad that I thought she might actually have a heart.

"Only one of you will make it out alive, and the rest will be shipped out in wooden crates." Coin looked pointedly at several boys right in front of her.

OK, so I stand corrected about her having a heart.


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Anyways, peace out doods!

- K

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