3 - Jerome

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That all happened one crisp seven years ago. Now, I am fifteen, and it is the day of the reaping, I had been through many of these before, so I wasn't worried.

(A/N Yeah I know that the ages doesn't match up.... Oh well. Back to the story.)

Mum and Dad aren't forced to go to the reaping, as the are victors. They wouldn't make it down anyway. Mum just blanks out and stays in bed all day, and Dad keeps himself busy with making bread.

I pull on my jeans, a white shirt and my red and black checkered hoodie. I leave my hair messy, as I can always fix it later, for now though, I'm going into the forest.

*Le time skip 'cos I don't feel like writing about Mitch walking through a meadow...*

"Hey biggums!" was all I heard, before a dark shape literally fell on me from the tree I was standing under.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!! JEROME!! What are you doing!?" I screamed, pushing him off me and combat rolling to the side. He just sat there, laughing his arse off. I glared at him and he stopped quickly.

"I-I uh, just wanted to drop by and wish you good luck for today," he replied, smirking a little as he said the word 'drop.' I just nodded, not even bothering to come up with a witty remark. I just looked off into the distance. I remembered when Jerome left to go back to his home. We were eleven. By then I had taught him how to use a bow and set some snares. He, in return, taught me how to use an axe, and when we found a couple of swords and daggers in the woods, we quickly taught ourselves how to use them. I remember almost breaking down when he told me he was going back to district eleven.

He had been living in the forest for four years, and I would go and see him everyday, before he left.

I was about to go off and live in dreamland, when I was slapped across the face by Jerome.

"OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!?!" I screamed at him. He just looked at me smugly and shrugged.

"Well, you didn't respond when I said your name, soooo...."

I just sighed and rubbed my check. Jerome saw that I was not really feeling the joke at the moment, so he sat down under a tree and motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat down, and pulled out the loaf of bread that Dad had made that morning. Granted it was a little squished from when Jerome fell on me, but it was still warm and edible. I tore off a huge chunk and handed it to Jerome.

We sat in an awkward silence, avoiding each others gaze. I could tell Jerome was trying really hard not to laugh. Soon I really needed to laugh as well, so while he was looking away, I put my piece of bread down, and I tackled him to the ground. He landed in a heap, laughing, glad to get the weight of our chests. We must have been lying on the ground for a while, because when I checked to see where the sun was in the sky, I noticed that it was almost directly above us, meaning it was noon. 

I stood up and brushed dirt and leaves off my clothes, and Jerome did the same. 

"Well...goodbye then, and good luck!" I said as I waved to him.

"You too biggums," he replied, before turning around, literally running straight up a tree, and disappeared into the thick leaves. I heard the leaves rustle, the sound getting fainter every time, and I knew he was jumping from tree to tree.

I shook my head and grinned, even though I knew I was alone. I turned around and strode briskly back towards the meadow, district twelve, and the reaping.


Hey guys.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote if you did!

The next chapter should be posted soon, comment if you want it! 

Anyways, Have a great holidays and Christmas guys.

Peace out!

- K

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