2 - The boy 2

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I almost screamed in shock, as I looked at the boy had landed in front of me. He couldn't have been more than my age, and he was trembling from fright. He had light coloured skin and light brown hair. He was slightly smaller than me, and his big brown eyes told me he wasn't from my district. (A/N Who is this person???? Its easy to guess!!!)

Everyone in district twelve has either grey eyes or blue eyes. I had grey eyes like Mum. I also had brown hair like her, but I had tanned skin, from years outside, unlike a lot of people. I also had toned and wiry muscles, perfect for moving quickly and silently.

I shook myself out of my trance, and I lent down so that I was face-to-face with the boy. I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Its OK, I won't hurt you," I half-whispered to the boy. He looked up at me, not wanting to trust me. I decided he was either from district eleven or district ten. 

"H-hell-o-o?" he stammered. I slowly moved towards him, kinda like one might move towards an injured animal.

"Whats your name?" I asked him. He seemed really nervous, and I could tell he was on the run. He was probably running from his district because the reaping was in a couple of days.

Yeah, another thing. We didn't stop the capital. We just have a Hunger Games every three years instead. Well the Hunger Deans to me. I'm not sure why I call it that, I  just do.

"Are you running from the reaping?" I asked him. A look of surprise flickered across his face, before it settled back into a blank expression.

"So what if I am?" he said back with venom, but almost fearfully.I was taken back, and to be honest, a little hurt. I thought I might be able to have a proper friend, someone who didn't know my family and back story. I mean sure, I was popular in district twelve, and they gave me the nickname, 'BajanCanadian,' though I'm not sure why, but they aren't my real friends.

"Oh! I don't care! I've thought about running away too! Anyway, my name is Mitch," I said, holding my hand out, either for a handshake, or to help him up off of the ground. He didn't do anything, he just eyed my hand suspiciously. I sighed, and grabbed his hand, pulling him up. He tried to run away as soon as he was on his feet, but even though I was eight, I stopped him, and held him there.

"Whats your name?" I asked again, slower this time, and trying to sound friendly. Well as friendly as you can get, while holding a stranger in front of you so they don't run away, against their will.

"Ughhh, my names Jerome," the boy replied, looking at his feet. "I'm from district eleven, in case you where wondering," he added, seeing the expression on my face.

I let go of his shoulders, 99% sure he wasn't going to run. He didn't. A quick glance told me that he wanted food, so I gave him a squirrel. His face lit up, as he had obviously not eaten in ages. He quickly cooked it, and began eating it slowely.

That's when I had a great idea.

"Hey Jerome?" I asked

"Yeah?" he replied, words slightly muffled as his mouth was full of food.

"Do you want me to teach you how to hunt?"


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Next part will be out soon.

Peace out!


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