33 - Ty's point of view on things

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Adam. So weak. After hearing all of those cannons yesterday made him worry. When his friends face shone up in the night sky, he burst into tears. Now there were only three of us left.

Me, Mitch and Adam.

Soon it will only be two. Then one. And that one will be me! Now, about that two...

I looked over at Adam, who had managed to cry himself to sleep. An easy kill. Emotionless, I let my hand drift to my sword lying by my side.

I picked it up, the weigh feeling right in my hand. I stood silently, and held my sword poised over Adam's heart.

Without blinking, I plunged the sword into his chest, killing him instantly. A cannon boomed, and I knew Mitch would hear it. Deathmatch would be starting soon, and I need to be ready to face the one person who has a chance of taking me down.

I gathered up my gear, and walked quietly in the general direction of the cornucopia. I figured the gamemakers would be driving us there anyway. I walked for hours, before eventually finding the place where it all began.

I chucked my stuff up onto the cornucopia, before climbing up as well. I lay back, and waited for the last person standing in my way to arrive.

*Time Skip*

The sun had gone down not too long ago, when I heard movement in the trees that surrounded me. I knew it must have been Mitch, and I also knew that he was making so much noise on purpose. He could move silently if he wanted to.

I grinned, and jumped down from my resting spot, sword in hand, as I watched Mitch walk out of the trees, two swords held by his sides, and a murderous glint in his caramel eyes.

We regarded each other coldly as we circled around, calculating and trying to gain the upper hand. I grinned at him, and he smiled back, only the gesture so cold, I was honestly surprised I didn't freeze. I was happy though. I couldn't wait to play with my new toy.

I made the first move, lunging at him. As he dodged easily, just as I expected. I tried again, and again, and again, getting quicker with each attack. Mitch dodged all of them, sticking to defence. I tried again, striking out like a snake, and I managed to cut his leg. He winced in pain, but this lead him to change his game.

He began to attack, each new assault pushing me further and further back. My grin slid off my face as I tried to keep up with the lightning fast attacks that seemed to fly at me from all directions.

I began to sweat, and I was losing any edge I had at the start of this match. His next move, a quick slice downwards, caught me off guard. I felt the blade cut through skin, muscle and bone on it's journey downwards. I had to supress a scream.

Where my sword hand used to be was a bleeding stump of raw muscle and bone, glistening red in the low light. Pain washed over me in waves. I fell to my knees, clutching my arm, as I looked up at Mitch.

He stood above me, no emotion in his eyes as he held his swords to my throat. He quickly moved his arms, and I didn't even feel it as I died.

*Present Day*

We were all ready to go, except for Mitch and Jerome. Well, technically Jerome was ready to begin recording, but he was waiting for Mitch, who happened to be off eating somewhere or something.

I began to drum my fingers on my desk, but I quickly stopped when I heard angry hisses from the Skype call. I felt my face heat up, and was glad no one could see me.

I hope Mitch hurries up, I wanna start...


After I saw Jerome's face up in the night sky, I lost it. I wasn't as close to him as Mitch, (Obviously) but for the short time I had know him I really loved the crazy antics the two of pulled. I was still hit hard by his death. I cried myself to sleep, and dreamt of simpler times.

Suddenly I was alone in a room of white. But it wasn't a room. And I wasn't alone.

I could see Jerome smile at me sadly, and all of the different possibilities of why I was here rushed through my mind.

"J-Jerome?" I croaked, surprised by the sound of my own voice. "Why am I here? Am I...dead?"

Jerome nodded, and I could feel tears gather at the corners of my eyes.

"You can go on now. I'm staying. For Mitch." Jerome said.

"I hope I see you again," I said, waving goodbye, before walking away, simply wishing to pass on.

*Present Day*

Everybody was getting hella impatient. We were all just waiting on Mitch and Jerome now.

We didn't even have anything to talk about! I hoped they hurried up, everyone was losing interest quickly.


Hey guys!

That's another one done!

Well, see you in the next chapter, haha.

Vote, comment and share if you enjoyed!

Peace out guys,

- K

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