35 - A new life

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*Present Day*

I walked into Jerome and I's office, carrying a cup of coffee and a glass of water. Jerome smiled at me as I walked in and I carefully put the hot drink on the table in front of him.

"Thanks," he whispered, taking a sip before turning on his mic and chatting with people in the Skype call. I sat down at my desk, smiling to myself as I logged on and got ready to play.

Ian had apparently already done his intro, and had listed everyone in the call. Now we had one minute before the game began. I looked over at Jerome, who had concentration written all over his face, and I felt a surge of love for my best friend.

I turned back to my computer screen, and saw that we only had ten seconds left. Jerome and I had already agreed to team, (Obviously) and we were going to rush spawn.

Five seconds.

The whoops and hollers from the other youtubers grew louder, and I felt so happy to be their friend.

One. Go!

Time for the games to begin!


(A/N This was going to be a new chapter, but instead it's just going to be one extra long one.)



Jerome and I rushed spawn immediately, picking up some armour and a couple of weapons. Rob's character snuck up behind Jerome's character and began punching him playfully. He got a couple of hits in with a wood sword, before Jerome spun around and took him down with a stone axe.

Mrwoofless, killed by JeromeASF,

Lit up the chat. I chuckled and we ran off through the trees, listening to Rob scream that he had been kidding. When we got to a safe area, I checked the chat to see who had died.

KermitPlayz, slain by Deadlox

CraftBattleDuty, killed by Bodil40

Gizzy14Gazza, slain by Deadlox

TBNRfrags, killed by XrpmX13

MinecraftUniverse, killed by Mrwoofless.

"Looks like it's Ty we have to watch out for Jerome," I said, not taking my eyes off the screen. He mumbled a reply, and we sorted through our loot. I could hear the people who were out grumble and complain about how unfair it was to die so early, especially Rob and Lachlan.

We ran around, not running into any other players. I could hear people yelling at their partners who had run off cliffs. I heard Jerome giggle, and my heart swelled with love.

Then I heard Tyler, (MunchingBrotato) scream profanities, Ryan soon behind him. I laughed and checked the chat.

XrpmX13, slain by Deadlox

MunchingBrotato, killed by Deadlox

"You were right Mitch, Ty is a strong opponent this time," Jerome said, stopping to look at me for a second. I nodded, smiling.

"I think he's teamed with Adam..." I replied, just as we saw name tags in the distance. They got bigger and clearer, and I saw it was Adam and Ty.

"Yo guys! Um, hi! Truce, for tonight?" I yelled quickly as their two characters came into the clearing.

"That's fine. You got any armour or food to spare?" Adam replied. We exchanged loot and awkwardly stood around. Not really conversing or doing anything.

I took a sip of water, before putting my hands back on the keyboard, and moving my character around a bit. I saw the chat light up again, this time reading -

Logdotzip, killed by Bodil40

As the four of us talked and didn't kill each other for the time being, I checked my inventory. I looked over at Jerome in real life, and we locked eyes.

I made my character shift out of our little camp while Ty and Adam were distracted and we ran together as soon as we got out of seeing range.

Vikkstar123, starved to death

This message lit up the chat, and I giggled. I tuned back into the background conversations, and I could hear Vikk raging about how he swears that his food bar was full the whole time.

I turned my attention back to the game and saw that Husky's name tag was visible, actually quite close to us.

I leant over and nudged Jerome, both of us making our characters shift and back away. We were almost out, before three other name tags popped up.

HuskyMudkipz, slain by Bodil40

"Oh God," I whispered, and prepared my character to fight as Bodil, Bashur and Ian ran into the small area, and I was pretty sure I knew their intentions, as I slid my sword into my hot bar, preparing to fight.

Jerome ran at Bashur and I ran at Ian. We effectively killed them and rounded on Bodil.

Bashurverse, slain by JeromeASF

Ssundee, killed by BajanCanadian

Jerome and I ran at Bodil and began fighting, fingers clicking furiously. I watched as Bodil's character exploded into items.

JeromeASF, slain by Bodil40

Bodil40, killed by BajanCanadian

I checked the chat, and did a 360, quickly spotting Jerome's 'remains.'

"Aw crap biggums. You 'sploded," I said, giggling at the end as I looked over at Jerome, watching him trying so hard not to hit the desk. I bit my lip to stop from laughing out loud at how adorable he looked while frustrated, and went back to the game to distract myself.

I went through the leftover loot, ending up pretty decked out in an iron chestplate and leggings, chain boots and a chicken nugget budder crown, 'cos I was the Hunger deans king. I had an iron sword and filled up my hunger bar as I watched the chat light up.

Skydoesminecraft, slain by Deadlox

"Tyyyyy! Noooooo how could you betray me like this?!?!?!?" I heard Adam wail as laughter spread through out the call. I was then teleported to deathmatch, and quickly got my gear ready.

Ty was on the other side of the arena, and we ran at each other. I jumped around, clicking furiously, eventually resulting in a win as Ty's character exploded.

Fireworks went off and I made my character run around as the others congratulated me tiredly.

I was teleported back to the lobby, and I took my hands off my keyboard. I looked over to see Jerome beaming at me, and I leaned over and gave my boyfriend a passionate kiss.

Finally, my life was turning out all right.


Aaaaaaaaaaaannnd that's a wrap guys!

Thank you soooooooo much for following this journey, and I hope you tell me what you thought of this story!

Also, if there is any grammatical errors or something in previous chapters, just tell me and I will go and fix them up.

Also check out some of my other stories and tell me what you think of them.

So, signing off for the last time guys, vote, comment and share if you enjoyed!

Peace out, and goodbye!

- K :)

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