22 - The fallen tributes.

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Oh God I was not ready for this. I knew I was going to die right away. I heard the cannon go off, and I ran forward with no real intention. I felt someone trip me, and the ground rushed up towards me, and rolled over, to see Ty push a sword through my chest.

And my world darkened.

*Present Day*

"Hey whats going on guys, Kermit-" I faltered. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, something that had been happening a lot recently. I don't know why, but I felt like Ty had something to do with it....




Run now! I ran forward and slid to grab a bag. Bad move. Now I was on the ground without a weapon and I was vulnerable. I watched as Martin advanced towards me holding a dagger. I shrank away from him but it was no use. He plunged the dagger into my eye.

And I died.

*Present Day*

My eye was hurting again. Now this is going to give me a headache. Ugh. And for some reason this only happened when I recorded with Bodil, which is why we don't record often...




Why was I in the games? I wasn't violent! In fact, I was the most peaceful person here! Oh God the cannon went off. Should I run? Yup! Running, running...

Then nothing.

*Present Day*

Today I was going to stay with Adam and Ty. My instincts were going crazy but I couldn't figure out why...




The cannon went off, run! Only, I tripped. I'm clumsy, and this happens a lot. I felt something sharp hit my head.

And everything went black.

*Present Day*

Ow! My head hurts! Maybe I hit it on something yesterday? Hm, I'm not sure...




Run, run, RUN! I sprinted forward and grabbed a bag. I went to turn around, only to meet the sharp end of a sword. I felt it cut across my neck.

And I died.

*Present Day*

I had a sore throat today. Come on! Again?! I had to record today! Why? I always seem to feel like this when I record with Rob...




Run! I grabbed a sword straight away, and cut Jason's throat. I saw Jerome standing around, and decided to eliminate him quickly. I cut his arm, and that got his attention. He had no weapon and he backed up against the cornucopia. I had my sword at his throat, but I heard Mitch scream to Jerome. Jerome caught an axe, and I knew I couldn't beat him. I turned to run, and felt his axe hit the back of my head.

And everything went black.

*Present Day*

Ugh, I always had headache when I recorded with Jerome, and no amount of pain killers will make it go away. Oh well, back to the recording I guess...


Dakota Leap, death by Ty Lox.

Lachlen Power, death by Martin Block.

Gizzy Rouge, death by Ty Lox.

Preston Mob, death by Ryan Black.

Jason Stokes, death by Rob Hound.

Rob Hound, death by Jerome Aceti.


Hey guys!

That was just a bit of a filler for now.

I think I will put these after a chapter when someone dies.

Anyways, vote, comment and share if you enjoyed!

Peace out doods!

- K

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