27 - Who died?!

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"We just got away! We tried to fight them but they began to overpower us! It was too late for the others, we had to run," Ty gasped. Adam just looked at the ground as if he was ashamed of something.

Jerome rushed over to them and grabbed some of their bags, taking them over to the base of the tree. He helped Adam to sit under the canopy, and I noticed when Adam's face contorted in pain, that he had a deep stab wound in his leg. I winced, thinking of the pain he was in, before walking over to Ty and grabbing some of his bags. I took them over to where Adam is and walked back to him.

I help Ty over to where Adam was sitting, talking to Jerome, but as I was un-wrapping his arm from around my neck, I heard him whisper in my ear.

"You're next. And your little boyfriend too." I backed up quickly. I stared at him in confusion and anger. "What?!" I hissed at him, one milisecond away from unleashing my anger and strangling him with my bare hands.

Ty looks at me alarmed. "Uh, Mitch, I didn't say anything..." He looked at me, scared out of his mind. I guess I looked murderous.

"You know what you said!" I growled at him. Ty shuffled backwards until his back hit the tree.

"Mitch, m-maybe you are hearing voices?!" Ty questioned. He looked so terrified and confused, I decided it can't have been him. I backed away from Ty, muttering apologies, holding my head. Adam looked at me akwardly, but he had a small bit of panic in his eyes.

I raised one eyebrow at him to show that his expression hadn't gone unnoticed. He looked away and didn't meet my eyes again.

I decided to ignore it for now, and possibly talk to him about it later. I turned around to find Jerome, when I was hit by a strong force, almost knocking me to the ground.

"Th-they died! Biggums they died! A-and for what? T-to make the capital h-happy? I w-wanna do something a-about it!" Jerome said, raising his voice until he was yelling. I held him tight, not only to calm him down, but to stop him from flying into a rage and hurting someone, because trust me, that is scary.

I kissed the top of his head, stroking his back and hair, whispering soothingly. We heard another cannon boom, causing Jerome to jump, and sob harder.

I swept Jerome off his feet (A/N Haha I'm so funny) and carried him bridal style to the tree. Adam looked at me sadly and Ty was looking anywhere but at me.

"C'mon biggums, just up the tree a little" I coaxed, pushing him up the tree. He climbed up and I followed not far behind him. We lay on our branch, my arms wrapped around Jerome. He had stopped crying, and as the sky darkened considerably, I heard the capital's anthem begin to play. I saw a boy from district one, someone I didn't know, but my heart gave a painful squeeze when I saw Ryan's face, followed by Tyler's.

Jerome sobbed into the crook of my neck, and I turned towards him, tears silently sliding down my face before I fell asleep.

TYLERS POV (Logdotzip)

I could hear people behind me. My teammate Quentin had abandoned me. I couldn't escape. I turned in the small clearing of tall grass I had been running through, as I saw Bashur, Martin and Ian burst into the clearing and surround me. Martin grinned at me, and threw his knife.

*Present Day*

I hate these headaches I keep getting! The ones that settle behind my right eye. Well I'm not going to get anything else done tonight.

Tyler Zip, killed by Martin Block.


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Peace out doods,

- K

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