24 - Day 2

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I woke up suddenly to the sound of a cannon booming.

I was sitting upright, and I quickly realized that Jerome wasn't there. I began panicking. I grabbed my sword and quickly shimmied down the tree, before dropping onto the ground.

"Jerome?!" I half shouted, fear coursing through my veins.

"JEROME!" I screamed, no longer caring if any other tributes heard me. I would kill them without a second thought to get to Jerome. I heard rustling behind me, and I whirled around, my sword pointed at the bushes, moving slightly. My hands were shaking and I couldn't make them stop. The rustling grew louder, and somebody stepped out of the bushes.

I didn't look, didn't think, just acted. I spun around, effectively disarming my opponent, and held them up against a tree, my sword at their throat. I probably looked insane, and at that moment, I think I was. My vision was clouded with red, adrenaline pumping, my breathing hard and labored.

My vision cleared, and I dropped my sword with a gasp, falling to my knees, before crawling backwards quickly. I grabbed an axe from Jerome's tree, and ran off in the opposite direction.

I heard the person scream my name, but I kept running, not looking back as tears stung my eyes.



*In Dream*

I was running, gaining more speed by the second. I could hear footsteps behind me, getting louder. I pushed myself, putting all my energy into speed, trying to get away. I didn't know who was running from or why, but I knew it was life or death.

I broke into a clearing. I saw a body on the ground, blood pooling around it. I moved closer, slowing down as I ran, trying to figure who it was.

I gasped, and collapsed to the ground next to the body, landing in the pool of blood. An arrow was protruding from my left calf muscle and pain was searing up my leg. I reluctantly looked over at the body, and realized with a painful gasp that it was Mitch.

His dull caramel eyes stared at me blankly, the light that was once behind hem gone. His throat was split open into a cruel grin, blood dried around the cut, staining his skin. I began to sob loudly. I heard the person who had been chasing me walk up behind me. I ignored them, and stroked Mitch's cold cheek, my tears falling onto his face.

The person- no wait, people, who had been chasing me stopped, and one hauled me to my feet. He held my arms behind my back and held my hand up by my hair.

"I've got you now," he whispered in my ear, his breath hot against my skin. I gasped quietly and my eyes flew open. Adam! No! I thought, it can't be... but I knew I was right.

My eyes flickered to the other person, the guy advancing towards me holding a sword. It was Ty. He grinned at me, but it was sinister and full of malice. His eyes were the crazy, blood-shot eyes of a madman.

He held the sword up against my throat, but didn't kill me. Instead, he leaned right up to me, so we were face to face, and forced me to look into his eyes. He then began explaining the way he killed Mitch, and my friends and family in gruesome detail.

I looked over to where Mitch's body was, and saw to my horror that there were more bodies there, so many more. Tears began sliding down my face, mingling with Mitch's blood on my cheeks.

I pleaded and begged for him to kill me, to let me join Mitch and everybody else, but he just laughed cruelly. He eventually got bored, and just as he slit my throat, I saw Mitch look up, his lips forming my name in a silent scream...

*End of Dream*

My eyes snapped open, my body drenched in sweat, my breathing laboured. As the adrenaline began to fade from my veins, I relaxed and wrapped my arms around Mitch.

I buried my face in his hair, and inhaled deeply. (A/N Gods that sounds so weird) I smiled to myself, before deciding to get up and stretch. I carefully jumped out of the tree, and wandered around. That dream had really rattled me.

There was no movement around me, so I walked further and further away from the tree, time slipping through my fingers. I sat down under a tree and leaned back onto the bark, my eyes closing, and my senses dulling.

My eyes snapped open to a boom of a cannon. I jumped up, wide-eyed and panicked, before running back i the general direction Mitch was. I ran silently, but maybe that was because I ouldn't hear anything after that cannon went off. For all I knew, I could be crashing through the forest, alerting every tribute within a mile of me where I was.

I slowed down as I got to some bushes that were close to our tree. I walked through them, only to be disarmed and shoved up against a tree with a sword pressed against my throat, my lover at the other end of the sword. I gulped, and the sword cut into my skin, leaving a little trickle of blood.

Mitch's eyes were filled with anger and fear, and it was like he didn't know who I was. Then he gasped, and it was like a fog had lifted from his mind. He dropped to his knees and scrambled backwards away from me. He grabbed one of my axes and ran away from me.

"MITCH!" I screamed, starting to run after him, but falling back to the tree, tears running down my face, as I climbed up it and collapsed onto the sleeping bag.


Hey guys!

This was a long and eventful chapter...


Follow me on Instagram - dreamdrawanddance

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Peace out,

- K

P.S What is your guys favourite book or series? I would like to know. Lol. Mine is currently the Percy Jackson series of the Heroes of Olympus series.

P.P.S Thanks for almost 1000 reads...Lets go people!

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