32 - The fallen tributes

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I felt so angry! How dare they kill my two bodyguards! Well it's not like I needed them anyway!

I watched as Mitch pulled his sword out of bodyguard no.2's throat. I glared at him as he turned to me. A cannon boomed as Jerome chucked him another sword.

"You used them. They were nothing to you," he said, slowly walking towards me with both of the swords raised, threatening me. I felt my heart pace pick up, and sweat beaded my face. I took a couple of steps back, looking from side to side, trying to find an escape route.

"W-Whatever! I can still beat you!" I stammered nervously, cursing silently for letting my nerves show. Mitch grinned at me, continuing to walk forward, spinning both swords around in his hands.

"Well lets just see how well you do then," he said, before he ran at me screaming. I immediately pulled two throwing knives out from behind my back and held them ready to throw. I aimed one at Mitch's head, and the other at his leading sword arm.

I threw them, and Mitch dodged the first one that was on course for his head, the second going under his left arm. I felt my face fall as I was left weapon less, and Mitch barrelled towards me. He tripped me easily, and I hit the ground heavily, all of he air leaving my lungs.

He stood on my chest, ensuring I stayed down, ad crossed his arms, both swords pressing down on my throat. I thought that was it, he was going to kill me, but I saw something out of the corner of my eye that made me grin.

I locked eyes with Mitch, and he seemed confused. He pressed the swords harder to my neck and I began to laugh. I could see the scene unfolding over his shoulder and he didn't even know!

"What's so funny?" he growled, pushing down on my chest. I felt the air leave my lungs as I coughed, no longer laughing.

"Just don't forget about you other half," I said, smiling maliciously up at him. His eyes did a quick scan of my face before he screamed and uncrossed his arms with inhuman speed.

My eyes widened, then they saw no more.

*Present Day*

I had to clap a hand over my mouth when Ssundee told all of us in the call to be quiet so he could do his intro. As soon as he began introducing people, I burst out laughing. This lead to everyone else to laugh and it took us a while to reign control over ourselves again.

"And that's Bodil obviously," Ian said. He sounded a bit miffed I messed up his intro, but I could also still hear the laughter in his voice.

Man, I'm so glad these people are my friends.


As Mitch charged Martin, I watched as the latter grabbed two knives and threw them at Mitch. My breath caught as I watched a knife fly by his ear, the other going under his arm. I watched as he tripped Martin, but then indescribable pain flooded through my body. My vision blurred as I carefully lifted a shaking hand and swirled two fingers around the knife that was embedded in my gut. The blood that had begun to gush out was thick and a deep red.

I heard Mitch scream and a cannon boomed. I just hoped that it was Martin who was dead. I felt my energy drain as I stumbled forward.

"Mitch..." I whimpered. I stumbled again, my eyes closing. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground while Mitch ran around in a panic.

Eventually he came to his senses and ripped of his shirt, pressing it to my fatal wound. He had tears streaming down his face and the shirt was already soaked through. He let out a choked sob, and looked at me, biting his lip to stop himself from sobbing.

"I-It's okay! Y-You'll m-make it! I-I, j-just, please J-Jerome, please..." I looked up at Mitch, feeling so happy and relieved that if these were going to be my last moments, I was with him. I weakly raised one hand and stroked his hair.

"I love you Mitch," I said, my voice dangerously quiet. Mitch began to cry harder, and he leaned forward and kissed me softly, before taking my hand in his and holding it tightly. I also held his hand tightly, trying to forget all about these games.

"I'll s-see you on t-the other side Mitch. I-I love you biggums," I said, my voice shaking as I coughed up a mouthful of blood. Mitch sobbed harder and I felt my heart shatter.

"Don't d-die. You c-can't die. P-Please..." Mitch cried, leaning down and kissing me again and again. I tried to respond each time, but I was too weak to move.

I locked eyes with Mitch, smiling gently at him, as I took a rattling breath I knew would be my last. I gripped his hand tighter, before my vision of Mitch faded from the corners of my eyesight to black.

I was in nothing. Literally, it was completely white. I was standing, but I couldn't see what on. I some how knew this was where souls moved on. I could feel a tugging sensation in the pit of my stomach, as I watched a black door appear, beckoning me towards it. I made a split-second decision.

No matter how long it takes, I'll wait here for Mitch.


Hey guys!

Updating again...

This story will finish soon, I almost have it all written up!

Thank you soooooo much for 1.5K reads!

As always, vote, comment and share!

I have another book of Merome oneshots if you want to read it and my instagram is building__blocks.

Peace out doods!

- K

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