15 - Training - Day 1

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 I woke up to the sound of an alarm blaring. I fell out of the bed in shock and jumped up quickly, ready to fend off any attackers. I must have looked really weird in my boxers with bed hair and all my sheets on the floor around me, while standing in a fighting stance with a paranoid look in my eyes.

I slowly calmed down, and pulled on the clothes that had been set at the end of my bed. They where skin-tight and black, but they were easy to move in with almost no restrictions at all. I grabbed a quick breakfast with Tyler before we where ushered towards a huge room.

There was a raised up platform in the center, and on it stood a woman I assumed was our training instructor. She gave us the normal boring lecture, before everyone split up and went to different stations. Tyler and I decided to stick together, and we went straight over to the plants station, even though I knew most of them already.

Tyler was halfway through learning plant names when a boy from district three, the one with the amulet, bumped into us. He looked scared, as if we might fight him, but I just motioned for him to sit down and I helped Tyler and the boy learn some plants.

"Whats your name?" I asked him, while Tyler was concentrating.

"IT'S ADAM!" he near screamed at me. I was shocked, and he laughed a bit.

"I'm sorry, was I too loud? I tend to do that sometimes," he said, grinning. I immediately liked him for this, and introduced myself. We walked over to the fire-starting station, and Jerome and, I think his name is Ryan, joined us. Jerome and I grinned at each other, and that got us several strange looks from the other three. We ignored them and proceeded to crouch down an start a fire easily.

Soon, we had everyone surrounding us, wanting to learn our secrets. We where just about to teach Adam how to light a fire, when a bell rang, signaling lunch.

Our little group of five sat together, and we discussed who we think is trustworthy. We decided to form a mutual sense of peace between us, but from alliances with other people. I know Adam had his eye on the boy from district two, Ty and the boy from district ten, Jason. Jerome and I are going together. Ryan is going to talk to Rob and Tyler Z. Tyler B is going to Martin and Bashur.

We head our separate ways in groups when lunch ends. Jerome and I head over to where axes where on display. No one else was there, and the stations around us where empty.

Jerome picked up an axe that had a blueish colour to it. I hadn't realized they were coloured and looked around at the other ones. There was a brown one, a grey one, a gold one and a silver one. It looked like Jerome picked the strongest but also the heaviest one.

He held it with ease, tossing it from hand to hand, feeling the weight of it as he walked into the simulation room, the doors sliding shut behind him



Sorry I havn't posted much, I've had heaps going on.

Anyways, if you like this, vote, comment and share it with your friends!

Peace out!

- K

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