23 - Day 1

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It felt like Jerome and I had been running for hours, and we probably had, when we found a little stream, and stopped to clean up and fill up our water bottles.

We were filling up Jerome's water bottle, when the first cannon went off. I counted them.







Six dead. Hopefully Adam wasn't one of them. Or Tyler. We emptied our bags, and sorted through our items. We had,

Two water bottles.

One sleeping bag.

Twenty-four crackers.

One sword, One dagger and one axe.

One bow and a quiver full of twenty-four arrows.

Some bandages and two bags.

Okay, well that's a good start, I thought to myself, as Jerome and I ate a cracker each. Then we packed up our stuff and kept moving, looking for a place to stay the night. I set up a couple of traps along the way, in hope that we wold catch a rabbit or two.

We made it to a small clearing, with a little pond and a huge tree. Jerome immediately ran up the tree, then helped me climb up after him. This was a good spot.

The tree had huge limbs and thick foliage We could watch the sky through a gap in the leaves, but no one would be able to see us from the ground. We sat down on the branch and drank small sips of water. The sky darkened quickly, and we lay on the branch together, looking at the sky.

The anthem started playing loudly, giving me a shock. I held onto Jerome, insuring that I didn't fall out of the tree. I waited as the faces of the fallen tributes flickered in the night sky.

District three - Preston Mob

District six - Lachlen Duty

District seven - Rob Hound

District ten - Jason Stokes

District ten - Dakota Leap

The pictures flickered out leaving us in the darkness. I exhaled heavily, happy that Adam and Tyler were still alive. I turned my head to look at Jerome. His eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep, I could the tension in his muscles.

"Jerome. Do you think, that maybe..." I trailed off. He opened one eye and looked at me.

"Yeah, I saw Adam and Ty run off with a lot of loot, they should be fine. I didn't see Tyler though, but he should be fine, he's a smart boy." I nodded, reassuring myself that they will all be okay. I ate another cracker, took a sip of water and grabbed the sleeping bag from one of the backpacks.

I unfurled he sleeping bag, and fastened it to the tree branch. I nudged Jerome,and he looked over before climbing into the bag.

He held his arms out, like a toddler demanding a hug, and I had to stifle a laugh. I crawled over to him, and wriggled into the sleeping bag, lying on top of him, our faces inches apart.

Jerome's arms wrapped around me, and I could feel his warm breath on my face.

"Do you think we ought to give the Capital what they want to see?" he whispered seductively. I grinned and closed the gap between us.

Our lips collided and moved skillfully together, the dance of two lovers. I felt him lick my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I accepted and I felt his tongue enter my mouth. He explored my mouth, and gently sucked on my tongue. I moaned softly, before pulling away.

"Someones gonna hear us you know, and probably kill us..." I whispered, kissing his nose.

"Wow, way to spoil the mood Mitch. But yeah we should sleep," Jerome replied jokingly, as he shuffled around trying to get comfortable. I relaxed, and put my head on his chest, falling into a deep slumber.


Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't published much recently, I've been having problems....

And by that I mean I have gone completely insane over the PJO (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) and HoO (Heroes of Olympus)  series again!

Yup! OMG I freaking love those books! And the characters! My parents are confused to why I might randomly have a moment when they say something and I'd just be like 'Bob says hello' and schist.

Anyways, I will try to publish more.

Also thanks so much for over 900 reads! That's amazing guys! Lets try and get it to 1000!

I think that's all now, so....

Vote, comment and share if you enjoyed this chapter!

Peace out doods!

- K


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