34 - Mitch's deathmatch

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I picked some nightlock berries, ready to eat them, but I stopped when I heard a cannon boom. That was either Ty or Adam. Somehow, I knew it was Adam's death that was represented by that cannon.

I felt rage flood though my veins, as I quickly stuffed the berries in my pocket, before I grabbed my swords and set off to the cornucopia. I walked for hours, the sun setting as I fought my way through the trees and bushes.

I eventually made it into the large clearing that housed the cornucopia. I watched Ty jump from the top of the structure, and walk calmly up to me.

We regarded each other coldly, Ty grinning at me. I smiled coldly back. He lunged at me suddenly, but he was slow and I dodged easily. I felt like I knew what was happening, that I was his play thing. He lunged forward again and again, faster and faster each time. My thoughts were confirmed that I was his play thing when I had managed to dodge all of his attacks. He could kill me easily if he wanted to.

He tried again, striking out so fast I didn't have time to react. White hot pain shot up my leg, and I winced in pain. I changed my game quickly, striking back faster. I watched Ty's grin slid of his face, and he was having trouble keeping up. I had caught him off guard and I was going to use that to my advantage.

I slashed downwards, and I felt sick as I watched Ty's hand fall from his wrist. His face paled considerably, and he fell to his knees, clutching his arm that was bleeding out of control.

He looked up at me, and for the first time, he looked scared. I almost felt soy for him, but I reminded myself that he killed Adam, and my face was once again void of emotion.

I held my swords at his throat, and quickly moved them to the side. I heard the last cannon boom as Ty's body slumped to the ground.

I could hear a voice congratulating me, telling me I won, but I felt like crying. I dropped my weapons and fumbled to get the berries out of my pocket. The voices were screaming at me to stop. I raised my hand, showing the cameras what I held.

"This is fro Jerome, Adam and everyone else you forced to die!" I screamed, tears running down my face as I lifted my hand to my mouth, and swallowed the poison. I fell to the ground, feeling my body convulsing as my mind went blank.

I found myself surrounded by a blinding white. I would have said I was floating, but I could feel the ground beneath my feet. I saw someone standing a fair bit away from me, but I recognized them.

"...Jerome?" I whispered. The person turned around, and I saw that I was right. I started running, beginning to cry. Jerome did as well. We met halfway, falling to the ground, crying and laughing.

"We can go on now," Jerome said after a while, getting to his feet and pulling me up off the ground. I grabbed his hand, and together, we walked off into the unknown.



Hey! Its not over yet, there are a couple of chapters left to go.

Soooooo yeah, keep reading!

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Peace out doods,

- K

A Crafted Kind of GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora