29 - Deathmatch is Approaching

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I'm sure we had been running for ages now. Jerome had slowed down to a jog and we soon burst into a small clearing with a pond in the middle. We refilled our water bottles and decided to eat something.

As we sat there, listening to the wind rustle leaves, I began to think. I thought about I hadn't trusted Ty from the start, and now it turned out that he had killed our friends. I faltered mid thought. But what if that meant what I had dreamed before the games began was true as well? Was I destined to watch Jerome die in front of my eyes, while I was hopeless to help him?

I shuddered involuntarily, and quickly wiped my eyes, to hide the hot tears that had begun to gather there.

I looked over at Jerome, who seemed to be happily munching on a cracker. The sight almost made me smile, and I felt the uncontrollable urge to kiss him.

I leant over and kissed his cheek, catching him off guard. He looked at me, one hand on his cheek, his mouth hanging open in surprise. I gently closed his mouth, and he smiled at me, before offering a bit of his food to me. I gratefully accepted it, and we sat and ate in silence. 

As my stomach grew full, the more my eye lids began to droop. Jerome noticed and quickly called dibs on the first watch playfully. He sat with his back up against a tree, I lay against his chest, sitting between his legs, as he wrapped his arms around me and I slowly fell asleep.

*Time Skip*

My eyes suddenly snapped open as the world around me came into focus. I sat up, looking around as a sense of dread filled the pit of my stomach.

"Jerome, Jerome wake up," I whispered shaking his shoulders slightly. He jerked awake and looked at me in confusion. I stood up quickly after untangling myself from Jerome. I grabbed my sword, holding it with one hand out in front of me as I helped Jerome up.

"What is it Mitch? What's happening?" He whispered as he picked up his axe, throwing it lightly from hand to hand, as I readjusted the grip on my sword.

"I-I feel like something bad is about to happen. Call it a hunch, but I felt that Ty would betray us and look at what happened! You've got to trust me on this," I said, looking carefully at the darkness in the trees surrounding us. Jerome looked at me strangely, but didn't question my statement. We stood back to back, our breathing loud and echoing in the intense silence.

I heard a twig snap, the sound loud, like a gunshot in the darkness. Both Jerome and I sharply turned towards where the noise had emitted.

A figure stepped out from the shadows as a cannon boomed. I grabbed Jerome's hand and he held on tightly, as if it was his life line, the only thing that was keeping him from drowning. The figure stepped further into the light from our small fire, and I saw it was Ian, from district six. I heard more footsteps and whirled around, seeing Bashur and Martin step out from the trees. We were surrounded.

Jerome and I were back to back as we slowly spun, trying to watch each tribute. I an Bashur began to walk forward, Martin stayed back, as he was obviously the leader of this small pack.

Bashur suddenly ran at Jerome, pulling a dagger out of nowhere and lunging at him. Before I could even process what was happening, Jerome fought back, knocking the dagger to the ground. Jerome shut his eyes tightly, and I soon wished I had too. He swung his axe with deadly precision, the sharp blade making a clean cut. A thud could be heard, and Bashur's head was lying on the ground, his body slumped over, blood pumping from where his head used to be.

A cannon went off, signifying Bashur's obvious death. I felt sick, and when Jerome opened his eyes, he looked a bit green too, but I had other issues to attend to.

Ian shook himself out of the stage of shock we were all in first, and ran at me with a cry of outrage, his sword held high. I barely raised my sword in time to meet his, stopping the deadly arc towards my neck. Metal clashed against metal, as sparks flew in a fight to the death. He surprised me with his strength and agility, and I was beginning to struggle under the pressure. But this was the one fight I couldn't lose.

My arms shook, but I dodged and weaved around him. Eventually I had him on the ground, his sword off to my left, where Jerome went and picked it up. I had my sword at his throat, but I was reluctant to kill him. He snarled at me, his eyes wild.

"Please... please." He pleaded. When I shook my head in disbelief, he went crazy.

"If you won't kill me, I'll kill myself!" He screamed as he sat up so quickly, I couldn't move my sword out of the way in time. The sword pushed its way through his throat and out the other side, staining the light blue a dark shade of red. Ian made a gurgling sound, as he tried to speak, or maybe just tried to take in a final breath, before his eyes turned glassy. His body shuddered one more time, before it went limp completely.

I pulled the blood covered sword from Ian's lifeless body as another cannon boomed, the body falling to the ground as I stood up, before I turned to Martin, all barriers now gone.

His face was contorted in rage. Jerome passed Ian's sword to me, and I caught it without looking.

"You used them. They were nothing to you," I said, venom lacing my voice as I looked at Martin, slowly advancing, both swords held at the ready. I paused and spat some blood to the side, never breaking eye contact.

I could sense Jerome following right behind me, we both knew this was my fight. Martin's face was beaded with sweat, and he was backing up, eyes flickering from side to side nervously.

"W-Whatever! I can still kill you!" He stuttered, fear making his voice waver. I just grinned maliciously as I spun both swords around me, getting used to the weight as silver flashed by light blue.

"Well, lets just see how well you do then," I said, before I charged with a scream.



Just kidding, not really, :/

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Peace out doods,

- K :)

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