19 - The show

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The lights blinded me, and all I could see was white. The sounds around me ceased to exist, and I thought for a terrible second, that I was going to faint again, right here in front of all these people.

I sat down next to the host, who shook my hand and launched straight into a conversation.

"So, how do you like the Capital so far Mitchel?" he asked.

"Actually, I prefer Mitch, and I think that the Capital is interesting. Very bright." I replied. The host looked a little confused, before he smiled again, and asked me another question.

"So, Mitch, you got an eleven as your final training score, just like your mother Katniss did. How do you feel about that?"

"Um, well, I thought it was quite ironic to be honest," I answered getting a nervous laugh from the crowd.

"Now one of the other tributes, from district eleven, mentioned that he was in a relationship with someone here. We asked the boy before you this as well. Do you know who this person may be?" He looked at me, smiling slightly, like he knew something I didn't.

"Um, ah, y-yeah, yeah, I might know who this person is," I stammered back, panic flaring up inside me. Does the Capital accept stuff like that or will they kill us on the spot? Oh gods, (A/N NO REGRETS) my parents will be watching! What will they think? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG, I think I am going to start hyperventilating soon.

That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder, and looked over to our host looking at me questioningly. I must have blanked out a little, while I had that mini break-down in my head.

"I said, are you the one in the relationship with him?" I looked to the side of the stage and blinked hard. I saw Jerome standing there, and he lightly nodded, telling me that it was ok to tell them. I gulped and looked out at the sea of people, expectant faces looking up at me. I locked eyes with Simon, and he nodded slightly as well. My confidence came rushing back to me in wave.

"Hmmmm, maybe..." I said slyly. I heard a couple members of the audience giggle.

"Come on Mitch! That wasn't an answer!" the host exclaimed. I smiled and grinned at the crowd in front of me again. The crowd began screaming, and I think I saw a couple of girls fainting, but i could be wrong.

"Weeeeeeelllllll, since you all asked soooooo nicely and you all seem to want to know, then the answer is.....YES!" I said, yelling the last word. The crowd was on their feet, yelling and screaming and cheering. It was still a bit overwhelming, but I was beginning to warm up to the idea of being famous.

The host and I stood up, and I waved to the crowd as I began to walk off, only to be met halfway by Jerome, he had pretty much had tackled me in a hug, and I staggered backwards a little. I could hear the crowd cheering and wolf whistling. I grinned and we walked off together.


Hey guys!

I know I havn't updated in a while, but when I logged on today, I saw that this had over 500 views on it! UNBELIEVABLE!

Thank you guys so much for reading this, and I hope you really like it!

Anyways, vote, comment and share if you enjoyed this chapter!

Peace out doods!

- K

(Also FNAF3 is out! YAY)

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