7 - The tributes

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I decided to watch the reaping. There where only a few boys who stood out for me.

There was a boy from district one, with blue and orange coloured hair.

A boy from three, who was short, but stocky with curly brown hair and brown eyes. Oddly enough, he was also wearing a purple and gold amulet.

A boy from six, with dark brown hair and sunglasses, he was wearing a strange suit with a blue shirt on underneath.

And finally a boy from two, who had brown hair covering one eye and a white t-shirt. He had an evil smile, the type a cat might give when stalking its prey.

When I watched the tributes from district eleven get called, I almost cried when I saw Jerome volunteer for one of his younger brothers. Not many people would have done that. Jerome showed tremendous amounts of courage doing that. 

In our reaping I just looked the same as many other tributes, forgettable. I didn't respond to the cameras or people. I looked slightly insane with a crazed look in my eye.

I decided to just skip dinner and stay in my room that night. Not that I would be able to sleep anyway. I somehow managed to drift off to sleep at about 11 O'clock.

That night, my dreams where haunted by a boy named Jerome.


Hey guys!

How was this chapter? I know it was a little short but hopefully it was ok.

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Peace out guys!

- K

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