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The Ravenclaw common room was quite deserted at the end of the night, Ainsley and Charlie were still sitting there waiting for the couple across them to retire for the night, Luna was already sleeping. Ainsley sighed as he watched the couple kiss before they went up to their respective dorms, he turned to Charlie who was on the verge of sleeping, her hand under her head as she leaned against the back of the sofa.

"So?" Ainsley asked.

"What do you want to know?" 


"I don't know everything, I am not sure if I am supposed to tell you these things,"

"Fine, just tell me things which you're allowed to tell,"

"During the first wizarding war, Dumbledore formed a group of wizards called The Order of the Phoenix, they were many who joined, Moody, Harry's parents, Professor Lupin, Sirius Black–"

"Sirius Black? If he was on the other side, why would he join?" Charlie sighed, she didn't know how she was supposed to tell him that Sirius was innocent and that she had spent the entire summer vacation at his house.

"I don't know, but there were many people, grandpa too, Dad wasn't in the country at that time but he is part of the Order, helping as much as he can,"

"But people didn't know your grandfather, how was he in it?"

"He didn't physically join them but he was sort of a secret agent...provided them with information, Dumbledore's idea," Ainsley nodded slowly, she could see the train of thought going on in his mind. 

"I talked to George about this...he said he wasn't allowed to say anything,"

"It's true, we aren't...and we don't know all the things just bits and pieces...believe me when I say we tried to squeeze out as much as information we could from them," Charlie shook her head.

"So, this Order of Phoenix thing, it fights against You-Know-Who, right?"


"I want to join, I want to fight," Ainsley said with a fierce voice, his voice was strong, there was no hesitation from his side, Ainsley Holman was ready to fight. 

"Yeah," Charlie said as she grabbed his hand holding onto it tightly. Ainsley laid his head on her shoulder.

"So, what's up with you and George?" 

"We talked today..."

"More like shagged," Charlie laughed as Ainsley pushed her away roughly.

"God, you have a dirty mind, we didn't shag, we decided to try going out if things work out...great...if they don't well–" Ainsley shrugged rubbing his eyes.

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