Love at First Letter - 18

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So my sister just broke her mirror. And y'all probably know how superstitious my family is. So now she's cursed with seven years of bad luck and being in the room with her when it happened means some of the bad luck probably came onto me as well. Isn't it just a great day?

Love at First Letter

Chapter 18

I could hear someone clapping as Brett kneeled in front of me. He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist, spinning me in circles. When he placed me on my feet I smiled towards the old couple who was standing a ways down on the beach. They were smiling at us and clapping and I doubt they would be clapping if they knew what really happened.

I laughed when Brett slipped his hand into mine. "I think they think that you just proposed." I said to him as I motioned with my head towards the older couple still standing and smiling at us. They were wrapped in each other's arms and he kissed her cheek affectionately.

"Let them think what they want." He shrugged and led me up the beach towards the street. I knew I had to leave soon and I could feel the continuous vibrating of my phone in my back pocket but right now I couldn't care less. I just wanted to spend time with my soldier and not have to worry about book questions. "We should probably get you back."

"Why do you say that?" I asked him.

"I can hear your phone and I bet Sarah is freaking out not knowing where you went. She doesn't strike me as someone who would just let you wander off."

"You would be right," I say to him. "but we also have the problem that I wasn't supposed to leave the building anyway."

Brett brought us to a stop and he forced me to look up at him. "Why didn't you tell me that? We could have done something inside."

"I wanted to get out." I shrugged my shoulder. "There were too many reporters and interviewers that want nothing but the lastest scoop on my new book with Logan or want to know who you are. I just wanted some time away before I have to do a speed round of interviewing later on today." I cast a glance at my phone screen. "Which starts in about an hour."

"Then we better go."

After countless hours of interviews and many cupos coffee I was finally free from the cameras and questions. We only had a few more days until we left for Georgia and these next few days were pretty slow. I had a few more interviews and two book signings but then I had two days break before we left for Georgia.

It was dark outside and I had found myself in Mrs. Hanley's bookstore once again. "Hello Hazel, what can I do for you?" She asked me. The bookstore was empty and she was sat behidn the counter with papers laid out in front of her. There was a hum of music throughout the store and there was still a table set up from the other author's who had book signings.

"I just needed some peace and quiet." I say to her. "But if you were about to leave I can go."

"No it's fine. Tonight's going to be a long night for me, I have lots of paperwork to finish. You can make yourself comfortable."

"Thanks." And that was how I found myself sitting in an aisle, my back against the bookshelf and a notebook propped against my bent knees. My hand flew across the paper, writing anything and everything that came to mind; the military, the beach, the whole tour experience, my family.

I was too busy writing thatI didn't notice the man sitting in front of me. "Good stuff?" The familiar voice rang out in the quiet bookstore. My eyes snapped up to meet his. I smiled up at him and closed my notebook with my pen marking my spot. "Don't stop on my account."

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