Chapter 24

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No one's POV

Yujin could feel the stares of both males on her back, but she didn't say anything. 

Taehyung was hoping that he was bearing a hole in Yujin's skull, but didn't want to say anything.

Yoongi was pissed off and wasn't even meaning to stare at Yujin, but he didn't say anything. 

The three made their way off the elevator and Yujin quickly opened her door when Taehyung started his rant.

"What the fuck was that? Who was she? Why did you slap her? What the hell is her problem? Calling us boy-toys like she knows who the fuck she's talking about and what do you mean you bought her out?" Taehyung asked all at once.

Yoongi quickly tried to shut him up, but Taehyung just pulled him into a bone-crushing hug before he could say anything. Namjoon and Jungkook had stepping into the foyer, but Yujin was already making her way over to her phone on the kitchen counter.

Texting Jigaemae, she let him know that Jaehwa was probably going to try to open her funds and drain all of Yujin's money that she thought still belonged to herself. 

To: Jigaemae

Jaehwa visited. Arm up.

Setting her phone down, she looked up to find four pairs of eyes trained directly on her.

"Yes, I'm here. Yes, I'll answer your questions. Give me a second." She sighed, walking to her room. Her phone dinged when she reached her room.

From: Jigaemae 

Armed and ready. You okay?

Smiling, Yujin replied quickly.

To: Jigaemae

I'm good. I'm done.

Jigaemae only responded with a smiley face. Chuckling, Yujin changed into more comfortable clothes and made her way to the kitchen. 

Yujin POV

I don't have an appetite after that. 

Without realizing, I felt some tears crawl down my cheeks and onto the countertop. 


"Go wait in the living room, Jungkook. I'll come out in a second." I replied without turning around. 

"Okay." He response sounded weak, so I knew that he figured I needed a moment. I loved Jungkook. While he was away and Namjoon took his place, I still met up with him for lunch a few times so that he wouldn't move back in and feel like a stranger. I called him a few times just to talk to him. He started calling me Noona soon after that, and for some reason it was endearing. I was never anyone's noona or eonnie. And I loved it.

I could hear another set of feet shuffle into the kitchen, and soon two arms turned me around and wrapped me up.


I couldn't stop myself from circling my arms tightly around his torso, and I started crying heavier into his chest. 

He just held me. He didn't ask me to explain, he didn't expect me to start telling him my life story. He just held me tight and didn't let go. 

Once I had calmed down a little, I let go and felt his arms loosen around me. I motioned for him to go wait in the living room with everyone else, and turned around to the sink to splash cold water on my face.

Making my way to the living room, I saw Yoongi and Taehyung holding hands, but no one else seemed to notice. Smirking, I sat down on the free armchair and faced all the boys. 

Yoongi looked pissed, but I wasn't sure if he was mad at me, at Jaehwa, or at Taehyung for his hugging stunt a few mintues ago.

Jungkook looked confused but worried, directed at me.

Namjoon looked calm, his face revealing no emotion at all, similar to my own. However, when I made eye contact with him, I could see the worry in his chocolate orbs.

Taehyung still looked angry, but he had calmed down a little and I could see Yoongi rubbing circles on his hand.

"One person, one question each, start again." I said.

Namjoon started. "Are you okay?" I smiled. 

"I'm okay."

"Who was that?" Jungkook asked.

"Her name is Jaehwa." I responded.

"Well I know that, but who is she?" He asked again.

"Jaehwa was my fathers second wife." I replied.

"Shut up Jungkook, my turn." Yoongi started before Jungkook could ask again.
"What did she want?" Yoongi asked.

"Money." I replied.

"Why?" Taehyung asked.

"She thinks it's hers."

"Why?" Namjoon asked.

"Because my father left her everything, including me, and she used her connections to weed herself in my company."

"But?" Jungkook asked.

"I bought her out and she had no idea."

"She called you a whore." Yoongi stated. i saw Namjoon's fists clench at that. Jungkook looked at me sadly.


"Why?" Yoongi asked.

"Because she never wanted to admit that the guys who came over and slept with her were her mistakes."

"So?" He asked again.

"So she told my father they were mine." I replied.

Everyone in the room seemed to look down, beginning to understand the situation.

"You said something about a train crash." Taehyung said.

"My father didn't die in a crash, if that's what you're implying. He was shot in a mugging in a store in Ilsan." I said.

Again, they all looked down in unison. I found it kind of funny, how they all seemed to sympathize even though they never knew my father.

"Is there anything else to the story?" Taehyung asked.

"Shut up Taehyung that's insensitive." Namjoon said.

"No, it's fine. I didn't get mad at her mentioning my father. I got mad at her assuming you guys were common whores. I never slept around in highschool or college. I never had a boyfriend. My father never really cared for me, he cared for my grades. He never would have cared if I had a guy over, much less sleeping with them. As long as I had all A's, he didn't care about me. I don't have a mom. Never did. She didn't die, she just left. I don't even know her name. When Jaehwa started cheating, I never said anything. If he didn't care about me, then I wouldn't care about him. Jaehwa blamed me. She used his general dislike of my personal life to her advantage." I said.

"Oh." Taehyung said. 

Jungkook gave me a look that I recognized. He knew. He knew how I felt. During our period of friendship when he wasn't living with me, he opened up to me about his parents. His father was never really around, and his mom worked all the time to make money. He was raised by his older brother, but by the time Jungkook was in 9th grade, he had grown taller and buffer than his brother. When his brother graduated, he went off to college, trusting that Jungkook could take care of himself, but their father had come home. Jungkook was safe for the time being, but his mom wasn't. Jungkook became the protector in the home. 

"My dad liked to hit my mom, so I learned to like to hit him." He had told me.

I looked over t Yoongi, who was angry more than anything. I still wasn't sure why. Taehyung looked like his curiosity was sated.... for now.

And Namjoon. Namjoon and I are so similar. I couldn't read an inch of his face, but I could tell he was trying to read mine. 

We were the equal match.

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