Chapter 2

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"Good to see you too, Taehyung."

Taehyung smiled, and looked over to his dazed partner, gesturing for him to scoot closer.

"Come on, Bogum. He doesn't bite." Taehyung spoke to him in an obviously sensual voice, and it was then that I noticed the man was excited beyond a simple makeout with my brother. 

"Joonie, this is my boyfriend, Park Bogum. He's an actor." Taehyung spoke about him the same way he spoke about his last lover, and the one before that. I almost pitied the poor boy who had to put up with my playboy brother.

"Nice to meet you sir." He was a lot quieter than I had imagined. Not exactly Taehyung's type.
"You too. Please, call me Namjoon." I turned to Hoseok, and motioned for him to begin.

He began to speak and I could already see the gears spinning in Taehyung's head on how to get to him. As Hoseok went through the plan we were giving to Taehyung and Bogum, I could tell that both of them were hanging onto every word, but not for the same reasons.

Suddenly, Taehyung stood up and made his way over to Hoseok and myself. I glanced over to Hoseok, and was surprised to see his stoic expression as Taehyung placed himself right beside Hoseok, almost on top of him.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see the numbers for myself. It's hard to think about that here." He gestured to his head, and turned to look at Bogum.

"Darling, I think this is it. You can go back down and wait in the car. We can go get some coffee before you have to be at your set." My eyebrows shot up, having never heard this kind of tone from Taehyung before. It was subtle, but I could hear the slight venom in it, and I watched as Bogum nodded and politely bowed and said goodbye before leaving.

"So Hoseok," Taehyung began, slowly putting his hand on his arm. "How is it that you're still a single man after all this time? I mean, you obviously have the looks to be good in bed, much less go-"

Hoseok cut him off abruptly. "Mister Kim, I only speak business in this room." I watched in boredom at my brother's attempts with Hoseok, almost finding it amusing. Almost.

"You saying you'd talk dirty to me outside this room? Kinky. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to leave my flirting here. Bogum is probably waiting for me by the elevator this time, so I'll go ahead and sign whatever needs to be signed."

I was surprised to hear this from my brother, and Hoseok obviously was too by the way he looked at my brother.

"What? He's a good lay. I don't want to let that go too soon. Plus, I really do need to be going. He's my ride to work."

After wrapping things up with my brother, we said our goodbyes, and Hoseok and I made our way back up to my office area.

"Thank god he had to leave. I don't think I could have survived anymore of his attempts to get closer." Hoseok sounded relieved, causing me to chuckle. "You should try playing him at his own game, sometime."

Hoseok looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Are you that dense, Hoseok? I mean, I know you aren't straight, and if you are, I apologize, but don't you think it would be funny for you to flirt back? I get the impression that my little brother wouldn't even know what to do with himself."

The doors opened, and we walked slowly to our respective locations.

I turned before entering my office, watching as Hoseok sat down thinking hard about something.
"Hoseok." I called.

He looked up, jerking out of his daze. "Yes?"
"Don't stress about it. Just think how fun it might be. Maybe I can live vicariously through you." I smiled a little, seeing his face relax a little.

"Namjoon, you really should get a life outside of work sometime. Seokjin can't really be your only friend for much longer."

I chuckled, and turned to walk into my office. Pausing, I turned around and spoke, "Who says you aren't my friend too?"

I walked into my office, and closed the door, taking time to debrief before my next meeting.

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