Chapter 28

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Third POV

"Hyung," Taehyung started, "You really think that about me?"

Namjoon looked behind him, noticing his brother standing there for the first time. 

"Um," Namjoon started.

"Hyung, I thought you hated my work." Taehyung said. Yoongi let go of his hand to go into the kitchen, briefly giving Jungkook a hello before grabbing water out of the fridge. 

"I mean, Taehyung, um, come on man, I like, know you........ help." Namjoon stumbled on his words, looking to Yujin for some kind of reliance.

Holding her hands in surrender, she gestured towards Taehyung and said, "You tell him. I'm not the one you should apologize to."

"Hyung it's okay you don't have to say anything." Taehyung said with his head down. 

"No!" Namjoon replied, startling the others in the room. Yoongi and Jungkook made eye contact, both taking his outburst as the que to leave the room. 

"There is something I wanted to say." Namjoon starts. Taehyung watches him with expectant eyes.

"Taehyung. You are a wonderful model and designer. I just never said anything because I didn't think you cared for my opinion. You never said anything of much importance to me when we were younger, and I had always assumed it was because you didn't value my opinion enough to care. I never took it personally, I mean I never thought you were just being mean. Our parents didn't really do their best..." He trailed off.

"Hyung I never said anything because I knew how much trouble you got into whenever you tried to defend my career choices to mom and dad." Taehyung replied.

Namjoon's eyes blew wide. "Y-You knew about that?" he asked quietly.

Yujin stepped away from the counter, starting to feel like this wasn't a conversation she should be listening in on. 

Taehyung shuffled around nervously. "Well, I mean, dad isn't that quiet, and mom didn't normally raise her voice so when she did it was loud, and it's not like wh-when you were g-getting hurt y-y-you were q-quiet either." Taehyung spoke slowly and quietly, shuffling on his feet anxiously.

Yujin held her breath, scared to move an inch as if she would somehow scare both males out of the quiet nervousness they were surrounded in. 

"I didn't know you knew about that." Namjoon spoke quietly. 

"It's okay hyung, I know you didn't want me to know about it so I just tried to keep some distance between us, I just hoped you would stop so that they would."

Yujin stood silent, Taehyung and Namjoon both appearing to have forgotten she was in the room as well. 

"Taehyung I'm sorry." Namjoon said, getting up and walking closer to his brother. 

"Me too hyung," Taehyung replied. Taehyung stepped forward, wrapping his arms around his brother. "I'm so sorry hyung."

"It wasn't your fault Tae," he spoke quietly.

"But it was. If I had stuck up for myself then this never would have even happened."

"It's okay." 

The two separated and looked at one another. 

"I forgive you Hyung."

Taehyung turned to nod at Yujin before turning back and walking to the room he had taken up temporary residence in. 

Yujin and Namjoon made eye contact before Namjoon also turned away, walking back to Yujin's room, nodding for her to follow. Turning off the stove and leaving the soup, she followed. 

Yoongi slowly walked into his room, looking at Taehyung who was splayed out on the bed. 

"You okay?" He asked.

He got a grumbled hum in return. Chuckling, Yoongi made his way over to the bed and laid down beside him. 

Taehyung spoke, but his face was in the bed so all Yoongi heard was muffled grumbling. 

"I can't hear you Tae." He spoke softly.

Lifting his head up from the comfort of the mattress, Taehyung turned and faced Yoongi who was turned on his side. 

"I asked how much of that you heard." He repeated.

"Jungkook and I left when Namjoon kind of, shouted? Yelped? I'm not totally sure what that noise was but I figured it wasn't a conversation that we necessarily needed to hear." 


Yoongi watched the emotions roll over Taehyungs face. First he seemed relieved, then a little sad, then almost mad, but ultimately resting on content.

Not sure how to press his luck, Yoongi just raised his hand and placed it in Taehyungs hair, ruffling it a little.

"I know that I'm not the most open person, but, if you like, need to talk and shit, you can." He said, mumbling a little under his breath. 

He watched as Taehyungs face slowly lifted, a light smile crawling across his lips. 

"Thanks, hyung."

Taehyung laid himself back down and took Yoongis hand out of his hair, holding it in his own larger palm. He watched Yoongis face relax, his eyes closed. Taehyung knew he wasn't being rude, he just knew that his hyung was relaxed in his presence. 



"Are Noona and Namjoon hyung dating?"


Yujin slowly made her way into her bedroom. Namjoon was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to reach him. Once she reached the bed, she grasped Namjoons hand in her own and sat down next to him. 

"Are you okay?" She asked softly.

"I... I think so." Namjoon responded quietly. "You were right." 

Yujin looked up and made eye contact with him. "About what?" She asked.

"That he would still accept me."

Yujin sighed softly, releasing his hand and laying on her back across the bed.

"You're brothers. Of course he would accept you."

Namjoon chuckled, laying down beside her. "Well, I suppose." 

Yujin looked over at him, a small smile gracing her lips. Namjoon felt her looking and turned his head to look at her. 

"Yes?" He asked.

Yujin giggled. "Nothing. Just looking." She said softly. 

Namjoon smiled. "I love your giggle. So cute." He said.

Yujin hummed, closing her eyes and turning back towards her ceiling. 

"You're so beautiful." She said softly. 

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