Chapter 3

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Yujin POV

Click. Click.

"Okay, let's switch to outfit number two!"

I made my way across the set and to my changing room, where two makeup artist and one hair stylist waited on me.

"Don't touch my makeup, curl my hair." I looked towards the back where Jimin waited to hear which outfit to pull out.

"He's all out of order, pull out outfits two and five."
Jimin nodded at me and went off to find the pieces of clothing. I carefully slipped out of the beige dress and sat down in front of the beauty mirror, silently watching as the hairdresser curled my hair.

Jimin came out from the long closet holding outfits two, five, and seven.

"Jimin." I called. He came over quickly, hanging up the pieces on the rack on his way.

"Yes?" He stood beside me, and I watched as his face scrunched a little at my hair.

"First, why did you pull out seven, second, why the face?"

"Well, the way the director has been going seems to be color order, so I pulled out the next tan slash beige thing. Second, the curls are too small and loose."

The hair stylist looked at him, eyes wide. "I thought they were supposed to be." She spoke timidly, as if scared of what Jimin's stare might do to her.

Jimin walked around to the back of my chair and took the curling iron from the stylist.

"I'll do it. Go steam and prepare her next change."
I watched as Jimin professionally curled my hair and gave him a quizzical look. He noticed, and chuckled.
"I watch Sui do it all the time. She thought it was cute, so she showed me how to do it." He talked with such passion about his wife, Sui He. I had met her a couple of times, even hired her on many occasions for photo shoots. She was a beautiful woman and very smart, always kind to those around her as well.

Coming from China, Sui was a rather interesting character. Her intelligence was unparalleled and everyone had criticized her for becoming a model. Even her marriage to Jimin wasn't approved, but with the money she started to make, her parents came around. She was one of my closest friends, probably my only friend besides Jimin.

Once he had finished my hair, I went out and continued the photo shoot for my clothing line.
We were almost finished with the shoot when Jimin interrupted us, telling me I had a call that I should answer as soon as possible.


"Hello. This is Kim Namjoon from LQ Securities. Your assistant Mister Park contacted my secretary with your information. I would like to arrange a meeting, if you don't mind." His voice was deep and rich and it reminded me of chocolate.

"Of course. I'll have my assistant contact you as soon as possible." I responded quickly.

"Of course." He hung up and I told Jimin to set up a meeting time.

After we finished the shoot, Jimin brought my car around and he drove me home.

Entering my apartment, I slipped out of my shoes and went to the couch. I pulled out my phone and laptop and did some work.

After that work, I went and took a shower and got into bed and fell asleep for the night, the voice of Kim Namjoon echoing in my ears.

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