Chapter 5

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Namjoon POV

I watched as Hoseok stumbled around the office, cleaning it. I was confused by this action, as he had never really bothered to do it before now. Before the meeting. With her.

"Hoseok. Please stop. You're making me nervous with all your bustling."  He looked up at me from where he was trying to dust the bottom of one of my bookshelves.

"Sorry Namjoon. It's just, well, it's Yujin. The Yujin. She's legendary in the modeling industry."
"Are you a fan?" I asked with a smirk.

He almost blushed when I said that, and I couldn't help but chuckle. However, as soon as I heard the elevator ding, I put on my business face. I saw Hoseok glance at me briefly with a look of disdain.

"You could at least smile," he muttered. He walked out to greet her, and I watched as she stepped off the elevator, her form full of grace and a slight bounce, as if she could be made of both stone and rubber at the same time.

She caught my eye, and I was shocked to see she was mirroring my expression—she lacked all emotion.

And that almost made me smile.

Yujin POV

Jimin stood in the elevator with me, fussing over my clothes for some reason. By this point, I just let him to his own thing and didn't dare to bother him, knowing both the look and mouthful I would get in return. Jimin was lucky—he was one of two people who could mouth off to me and live to see another day.

"Are you almost done? I feel like you're fussing for no reason," I spoke quietly, and received the glare that I knew would follow.

"You need to look professional or else it may not go how you want. I've heard that LQ Securities is very select with its private clients so I want you to make a good impression." He then pulled out a small lint roller and rolled my jacket.

"Jimin you already made me change out of jeans and into this pencil skirt, I really don't think I could look any more 'Office Ready,'" I said.

Huffing, Jimin stood up and put away the roller. "Thank you," I mumbled. He smiled at me warmly which I returned, until I heard the ding and the doors opening.

I relaxed my face and set it in the stone expression I was used to wearing when dealing with business.

"You could always try a smiling approach," Jimin mumbled under his breath.

I was greeted by a tall man with a sharp face and bright hair. Not a fake bright, but a natural brown that seemed to light up. He had a beautiful smile and greeted me with extreme politeness.

I peered into the office and made eye contact with Kim Namjoon himself, morphing my expression to fit his emotionless one.

I did, however, see the flash of surprise in his eyes when I made eye contact with him.

Which almost made me smile.

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