Chapter 4

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I woke up at 6:00 the next morning and met with Jimin in my kitchen, as I did every morning Mondays through Fridays.

"Good morning Jimin," I mumbled. I couldn't sleep well the prior night due to nightmares, but eventually fell asleep around 4:00 AM.

Handing me a cup of black coffee, Jimin started telling me my schedule for the day.

"Oh, and your meeting with Mister Kim of LQ Securities is today as well."

"What time?" I asked.

"Two. Now please go shower. Maybe do a depuffing mask as well. Your lack of sleep shows on your face," he said.

I smiled and thanked him, going towards my bathroom and turning on the shower. As I stood in the hot water, I let it run down my back, trying to let it take the nightmares with them.

"Let her go!"
"Yujin, run!"
"Mom! Dad!"

I closed my eyes, trying to force my mind to go blank, attempting to fill it with my schedule.
Go to the office and finish marketing. Nine o clock.
"Yujin, no! Run!"

Checking in for fall shoots. Eleven o clock.

Lunch with Bogum. Twelve o clock.

Meeting with Kim Namjoon. Two o clock.
"Please! Stop!"

Turning around, I fliped the knob and let the ice cold water clear my head. Looking down, I noticed blood dripping from my face, realizing I had a bloody nose.
At that moment, I heard a knock followed by Jimin's voice.

"Yujin are you okay? We need to get moving."
Looking at the bathroom clock, I realized I had been in the shower for 45 minutes.

"Yes, I'm okay. I'll be out soon," I replied.
Turning off the water, I wrapped a towel around my body and put a washcloth on my nose.

After finally cleaning myself up, I dried off and padded down the hall to my room. I opened my closet and stepped in, looking at the clothes Jimin picked out for me. It was a pair of skinny jeans and a silk white top, my long black coat hanging next to it. I slipped on the clothes and noticed a small black box was hiding under my jeans.

I opened it and was met with a delicate silver chain with chinese letters clasped to it. They read "last shadow at night" and I smiled, always appreciative of Sui's gifts. She had a knack for finding beautiful jewelry with terrible meanings and giving them to me. They were usually in Chinese characters, more for her than me. Her Korean still lacked fluency, but she was more than happy to learn that her husband's boss was fluent in Mandarin. Being fluent in seven languages was helpful as a model.

Clasping the necklace behind my neck, I looked in the mirror. It was a truly beautiful necklace. My face still showed a twinge of sleep deprivation, but I let my hair down from its pony-tail to air dry around my face, somewhat camouflaging my sleepy exterior.

I grabbed a small hand bag and my white Nikes and walked out to the front hallway where Jimin stood waiting on me. He smiled when he saw the necklace.

"Do you like it? Sui spent a while deciding between that one and a different one," he said.

"I love it," I replied in mandarin.

"Good." Sui was lucky that the love of her life was Jimin. Most men wouldn't learn a completely new language just so they could ask a pretty girl on a date.

Jimin opened the door and I stepped out, walking to the elevator. Jimin stepped on and we began the ride down to the car lot. The doors opened and we walked to m y car quickly.

"Do you want to drive or should I?" he asked.

"I'll drive."

Climbing in the drivers side, I started the care and began the drive to a very long day.

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