Chapter 21

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Yujin POV

"It's not my fault Bogum ran off with all your money, Taehyung," I said calmly.

He got up and pointed a finger at me. "You still knew about it and didn't say anything."

I stood, placing my palms flat on my desk. "No, Taehyung. I only knew about it when he tried to buy out a large stock in the company to make some money. I had Wonwoo in IT look at it and trace it after I denied the request. The only reason I knew about it was because he tried to sell me out with it," I said.

Taehyung sat back down and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Did you manage to trace where the money went?" he asked. I looked down at him, and for the first time I saw someone who was genuinely afraid of losing everything.

"Yeah," I said, walking over to one of the two filing cabinets in the office. Pulling open the second drawer, I grabbed a file and set it back on my desk, presenting it to Taehyung. Sitting back in my chair, I continued. "We managed to find a bonus account that he had placed all the money in. He wasn't using it until he received confirmation about his purchase of my company, so I stalled as long as I could with that confirmation. At some point he tried to make an appointment with my financial advisor about the matter, so I just had him send the denied account information digitally."

I watched as Taehyung read through the financial statements, his brow furrowing in disappointment.

"Taehyung," I said. He peeled his eyes away from the document and looked me in the eyes. "I called the bank and froze everything when I realized who it was and what he had done. The idiot didn't even use a different name when filling out the stock application."

I watched as he sagged in relief, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.

"Thank you," he spoke softly. "I mean really, thank you. I know I wasn't serious with him, but I guess he had alternate intentions as well."

"Maybe you shouldn't try to play around all the time, Taehyung." He looked at me with confusion.
Chuckling, I said, "You throw yourself at any guy who looks good and is willing to put up with you. It's sad, and I know that it's not what you want."

"Even I don't know what I want," he said softly. He looked down at his hands and I watched as tears cascaded down his face and onto his black jeans. Walking around my desk, I sat down beside him and took his hand in mine.

"Taehyung, I know what it feels like to regret a decision. Everyone does. But I also know that the consequences are sometimes worse, and I know how much it hurts to know you could have stopped it," I said. He looked over at me with teary eyes, and I continued to speak.

"Taehyung not everyone is going to love you, no matter what you do. I can tell that you struggle with commitment and trust, but also communication. You need to be able to talk to people with your mouth, not your body."

He looked at me in surprise. I chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. "You do have a reputation, you know?" I said. I stood up and walked over to the door, and gestured for him to follow. "Taehyung," I began, "You have money. You aren't broke. But maybe, just maybe, try to learn from this, yeah?"

He nodded and we exchanged our goodbyes. I walked back over to my desk and sat down, pinching my nose.

"Stressed?" I heard someone ask. Looking up, I saw Namjoon walking in with a small smile on his face. I shook my head and leaned back in my chair. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Just..... Conflicted," I stated.

"Is it about my brother?"

"No. It's about something else." I paused, then looked back up. "Or rather, someone else."

Sitting down in front of me, he continued. "Anything I can do?"

I gave him a small smile, but shook my head. "Nothing to be done now. Just have to wait."

He nodded, and I began working again. For the rest of the day, I sat at my desk and worked from my computer while Namjoon had moved spots and sat over in a corner chair, reading a book off the large shelf in my office.

Hours later, I looked down at my screen and noticed it was late, and when I turned around to tell Namjoon that I was going home, I saw him asleep in the chair with the book resting on his knee. Chuckling, I walked over and nudged him awake.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily.

"Eight o clock," I responded.

"Oh, Okay. I'll go see if Yoongi left yet," Namjoon said, getting up and walking out of the office.

I glanced to look at what book he was reading, and smiled when I saw that it was The Iliad. I turned when I heard the door open again, this time revealing a sleepy Namjoon being pulled along by Yoongi.

"Ready to go?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah. Let's go home."

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