Chapter 18

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Narrator POV

Namjoon choked on his water. "Excuse me?" He asked, flustered.

"Well, you see, Yoongi and I have gotten a lot closer than I believe either of us had planned, and he speaks of you all the time. Then of course, I figured it was Jimin that brought something to your attention since I am not close with many people, and you came in out of nowhere, the CEO of your own company." Yujin explained.

"Um," Namjoon was unsure how to respond.

"I have nothing against it, really, I just want to be sure that you know, there is absolutely no romantic feeling between Yoongi and I. Purely platonic." Yujin stated, sipping her water.

Namjoon didn't know why, but for some reason, when she said that, he felt relieved. "I'm sorry if that was the impression, and you are right, it was Jimin, but no, there is nothing between Yoongi and I. It is, as you said, purely platonic."

It was Yujin's turn to be a little flustered. "I'm so sorry, I just had to make sure." She said quickly.

Namjoon chuckled. "It's fine, I completely understand your confusion. Yoongi is my best friend, practically my brother. I have a sister, but she was sent to the states to study so she and I were never close. I'm basically an only child," He said.

Yujin nodded as she listened, thinking back to her own family, a sad look crossing her face. Namjoon noticed this, and was about to ask, but the waiter had approached them and set down their meals in front of them.

As the two ate, they continued their conversation, much more comfortable now that the proverbial cat was out of the bag. As the two finished up, Yujin got up to pay while Namjoon was away in the restroom.

"Oh, miss, the man said not to let you pay." The hostess said as Yujin tried to pay.

"Unbelievable," she muttered under her breath. Yujin felt a hand on her lower back, and turned to see Namjoon handing the hostess his card. She hadn't even noticed his hand travel up her back in a gentle manner, and neither did he. Frankly, Namjoon didn't realize he was touching her at all, it just seemed so natural to his subconscious.

The two made their way to Namjoon's car and began the drive back to Yujin's building. While driving, Yujin noticed that Namjoon tended to check behind him more often than not through the mirrors, and began to wonder if there was anything to see.

"Namjoon," Yujin began.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Why do you keep looking through the mirrors?" She asked.

"Oh, sorry," he said, chuckling. "It's a habit. Head of a security company, you know?" Yujin noticed his tight smile, and how he still continued to watch even after he said it was just a habit.

Deciding to let it go, Yujin looked out her window and watched all the tall buildings pass by in a blur. She wondered how many people must be working in them, how often they might be treated poorly, or how many office romances there are. She wondered about how much they get paid and what their paycheck is based upon. In all honesty, Yujin just allowed her mind to wander.

The two soon arrived back at the office, and both were surprised at who was waiting inside of Yujin's office.

"Oh hello! I was just planning to stop by, but now that I'm here, I should stick around a bit, yeah?"

"Kim Taehyung," Yujin started, "You know that you have to wait outside in the lobby just like everyone else." Looking over at a flushed and exasperated Yoongi, Yujin pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"Oh! Namjoon! You know lady Yujin too? How fun," Taehyung said.

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