Chapter 11

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Narrator POV

Jungkook was more than happy to stay with Lee Yujin, especially since they were going to receive such good benefits. Yoongi, however, was suspicious. There was never good to had from someone who threw money at everything. Yujin didn't seem to be like that, but why else would she pay them so much to start? To him, there was no good explanation.

Yoongi was busy creating a work schedule when Jungkook walked in, watching his brother work with cat-like concentration. Jungkook always watched his older brother. Even though they were not biologically related, Jungkook owed everything to Yoongi, and Yoongi owed everything back.

When Jungkook was three, his parents had been killed in a drunk driving accident. He was put into the foster system and for a long time, traveled from house to house. One day, he landed at the Min's home. He was ten at the time, reluctant to stay any longer than a couple weeks. Jungkook had found that no one really cared enough for him, so he decided not to care for anyone else.

When the Min's had decided to foster Jungkook, their son was not too happy. The Min's used to be a family of four, but when the oldest son died, the Min's had the brilliant idea of fostering, or as Yoongi liked to call it, replacing. Sure, the Min's may have tried to replace their dead son, but Yoongi was dead set on never calling Jungkook his brother.

The two hated each other from the moment they met. Yoongi was rude, cruel, and hostile to Jungkook, but instead of complaining, Jungkook always fought back. Over time, Yoongi came to respect Jungkook's resistance to his behavior. He never gave up, always fought back, always defended himself. Eventually, Yoongi got tired of his own attitude, and Jungkook was tired of being the kid who everyone pitied.

Yoongi was the first person to ever talk to Jungkook like a normal person, never giving him fake sympathy or weird looks because he didn't have parents. Jungkook saw this with Yoongi and was grateful. Yoongi took Jungkook under his wing, teaching him how to protect himself and make better choices, especially if he chose to leave the Min's home.

A year later, Jungkook asked the Min family to adopt him. It was the first time that Jungkook felt a sense of home, and Yoongi was happy for the first time in a while after his brother had died. Yoongi was proud to call Jungkook his brother.

The two had entered the security business together, training with military personnel on how to protect others and keep them safe. They had done everything together, and Jungkook was eternally grateful to Yoongi for pulling him out of his own head, just as Yoongi was grateful to Jungkook for being a replacement.

"You're staring again," Yoongi said. Jungkook smiled and walked over to sit beside his brother.

"I'm observing. I can't look at you now?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi chuckled and set down the schedule. Putting his arm around Jungkook's shoulders, Yoongi smiled and leaned back, closing his eyes.

"You know she has a department head named Geumjae?" Yoongi said.

Jungkook leaned back as well, taking his arm from around his shoulder and holding his hand on his lap. "Geumjae, huh?"

"Yeah. He's in charge of the marketing department. Apparently he's good at his job, too." Yoongi sighed and looked at his hand in Jungkook's. "You'd think I would be able to hear his name and not be sad anymore," He spoke slowly. Tears began rolling down his face and Jungkook let him cry on his shoulder, wrapping his arms around him.

"Yoongi, you can't always be the tough guy. If his name didn't make you cry, then I'd think you were insane. It's not something you'll get over. It's good, anyways. I'm sure your brother would love that you still remember him and miss him that much." It was hard for Jungkook to see Yoongi in this state, but he knew that there was a certain level of grief that could never be overcome.

From a distance, Yujin watched as the two brothers held one another. She saw how Yoongi cried for his dead brother, simply being reminded of him because someone who worked for her had the same name. Slowly walking in, she sat down in front of the two. Yoongi quickly tried to compose himself, wiping away his tears and preparing to apologize when he saw that Yujin, too, was silently crying.

Jungkook was shocked to see her like this, not prepared to see someone so strong and resilient crying before him.

"Yoongi," Yujin bagan. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Sniffing, Yoongi smiled and bowed his head. "It was a long time ago."

"That doesn't ease the pain," Yujin said. Yoongi caught on, and realized that she too had lost someone she loved. He saw that she truly understood his pain and his grief.

"It's not easy losing someone you love," she said, "Especially when there was something you could do to stop it."

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