Chapter 25

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Yujin POV

"Well," I said, standing up, "That's enough excitement. I need to get some sleep. Yoongi, Jungkook is back. Jungkook, your bed is still occupied by Namjoon, so you can come sleep in my room. Taehyung..... figure out your own sleeping arrangements. You're welcome to stay, but remember my rules." I started making my way to my bedroom when chaos erupted. 

"Why is Jungkook allowed to sleep with you?" 

"Yoongi I'm sleeping with you!" 

"No you're not, sleep in the living room!"

"Coming, Noona!"

I sighed, just continuing my trudge to my room. Once inside, I left the door open for Jungkook to come sleep on the futon in my room, and entered the bathroom. 

I turned on the shower and let the boiling water wash over me, each drop like a fresh breath to pull my head away from the horrors of my father and his wife. I hated her for visiting, but I hated her even more for  assuming that the boys in the lobby were anything less than perfect. 

Sure, Taehyung had his flaws, but I've never seen anyone love as easily as he does. He has a positivity about the world that isn't often seen by others, but it's there, lighting him up every time he steps outside. I've never seen someone connect with strangers so much, he could make conversation with a traffic light while waiting for it to turn green.

Yoongi was like the big brother I never had. I respected him, and he respected me. He was strong, brave, maybe a little shy, but he wouldn't hesitate to punch anyone who even looked at me wrong, and that was something I appreciated. I had never had someone look out for me like that.

Jungkook was the adorable little brother I never had. While he looked innocent and sweet, I knew what monsters he fought with underneath his buff exterior. He struggled to empathize with people who had families, which is why he and Yoongi got along so well. They both lived by s a "no family, no problems" kind of motto, which I understood. However, I also could see that Jungkook longed for a connection with someone, and I was overjoyed when he found that in me, but also when I found that in him.

And Namjoon. Namjoon, the yin to my yang--Wait no that sounds so fucking cringy.

Namjoon and I were very similar. We didn't have a whole lot of familial values, and even though he seems to hate his brother, I saw the pain in his eyes when Taheyung pushed him aside. To be fair, Taehyung was just doing what he had seen his big brother do, but that didn't mean Namjoon didn't hurt. I could tell he loved his brother. He and I both were successful, and that's because we both know the people you need to clear out in order to do that. You need a loyal employee who will do less rather than a flipping coin who will do more just to stab you in the back. We knew who to eliminate, who to keep, and who we had to keep an eye on. We were both cold, stone-faced, and ruthless. 

I think. 

While climbing out of the shower, all I could think of was the hug that he gave me. No strings, no explination required, he just comforted me. Would I have done that? Would I have offered physical affection to someone who was in pain? 

I'd like to think so. 

I wrapped a towel around myself and walked into my room, forgetting that someone was supposed to be coming to sleep in my room. Drying my hair with a towel, I made my way to my closet before I heard someone choking. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were gonna come out like that, oh god-" Namjoon was sitting on the futon, scrambling to get up but he tripped over a shoe, and fell flat on his face in front of me. 

Tilting my head, I smiled at him. He looked up at me, his blush crawling its way down his neck.

"Hi." I said.

"H-hi." He mumbled, putting his head down on the floor. 

I made my way inside the closet, pulling off my towel and getting changed. Walking back out, I hung my towel on the door and watched as Namjoon blinked at me, checking if I was wearing clothes. Sighing in, relief? 

He got up and made his way to the futon.

"I told Jungkook to sleep in his own room, to get reacquainted." He said, finding his hands very interesting. 

I think he was waiting for me to yell or something, but I just shrugged and found it cute. 

He made Jungkook leave so that he could sleep in my room with me.

"Okay," I responded. Nodding, he pulled the futon down and layed across it. 

I started giggling.

"What?" He asked.

"You're too long for it." I said, pointing at his calves which were hanging off the end. 

"Oh. Hm." He scrunched his body up, but by that point his head was hanging off the side.


"No, no, I'll make it work. Go to bed. Goodnight," He said quickly.



"Come sleep in the bed." I said. I could feel a small blush dust across my nose and cheeks, but I brushed it off and crawled into the bed, pulling the cover off the pillow next to me and opening a space for him. 

"No, no, I can't-"

"Get over here. Now." 

"Yes ma'am." 

He scrambled off the futon and slowly made his way in the bed, pulling the covers up to his chest.

Wow, and what a chest that is, jesus christ does he work out?


I blinked up at him, blushing even more at being caught staring. 

"Yeah?" I breathed out.

He reached across me, his hand brushing my shoulder, before he kept going and reached the lamp. I laid stiff, barely breathing. 

Turning it off, he rolled back over. 

"Goodnight, Jinnie."

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod

"Mhm, goodnight," I squeaked. 

Rolling over, I clutched the blanket tightly and tried to calm my breathing down.


A few hours after turning off the light, Yujin woke up to something holding her hand. She glanced over, and noticed that Namjoon's hand had reached out to hers, and she smiled. 

Around 6:00AM, Namjoon woke up to something tickling his neck. Looking down, Yujin had moved in her sleep and had one hand draped over his legs, her arm wrapped around his torso, her head resting on his chest. Her breath was the tickling on his neck. Smiling, he wrapped his arms around her and held her.

"I really like you, Yujin. I really, really, really like you. I don't want to move out. I want to stay here. I want to protect you, care for you. I want to show you what it's like to have someone love you." He mumbled, thinking she was asleep. Falling back asleep, Namjoon didn't notice how Yujin had woke up when he put his arms around her.

It was quiet for a moment, before she spoke.

"I want to know what that's like too." 

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