Chapter 8

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Namjoon POV

When Yoongi came in for the joint briefing, he was followed by a very unhappy, very pouty 20 year old. I just chuckled, watching the pouty man sit down and cross his arms. Yoongi noticed how his little brother was acting and smacked him on the shoulder.

"Stop throwing a tantrum. You look like a 2 year old," he said. Jungkook just huffed, obviously still upset about having to leave Busan.

"So what's our job, anyways?" Jungkook asked. "I thought the case in Busan was supposed to be more permanent."

"Not really," I said. "I thought maybe it would be a perfect fit, but it looks like only Busan was. Yoongi told me about the absences, Jungkook." I gave him a stern look and he shot his older brother a nasty look.

"I wasn't breaking any rules. I just liked the beach," he said. Jungkook was a bit more difficult than most of my other operatives, still not realizing that he was a protector. He had more than his own butt to worry about. However, with his brother working with him, the two were almost a deadly duo-- they haven't lost a client yet, and let's just say that's worth something considering they've both been shot, multiple times.

"Jungkook. Yoongi. Meet your new boss." I turned around and showed them a picture of Lee Yujin on the big monitor.

"She's 24, single, and lives alone. So far, her security detail has been less than satisfactory so she came to us per recommendation of an unknown source. Every morning her assistant has been meeting her in the main residency just to be sure she doesn't wake up to anything abnormal... again." I clicked the mouse, allowing a screen with three different residencies to show up.

"This first one," I said, zooming in on the first penthouse apartment, "Is her main residency. She lives here and has two pets that are currently in another residency, but usually stay here. This is where she has agreed to let you move in."

Jungkook sat up quickly. "Move in? How permanent is this, Namjoon?"

"Jungkook, not to make it sound personal, but this woman is quite influental," I said.

"Of course she is," Yoongi spoke quietly. "That's Lee Yujin. I know her, I've seen her face around, but I also know the few businesses she runs outside of the fashion industry. She has a shipping company, a clothing factory, even co-owns a popular club in Gwang-ju. The best part," he said smiling, "Is that none of it is illegal." Turning to Jungkook, he raised his eyebrows. "Do you have any idea how rare that is? How rare and good it is that someone is this successful without having to do any dirty work. Jungkook, she doesn't own a sweatshop in China. When Namjoon first told me who it was, I tried to find something bad, but the worst thing I could find was about her family, and those weren't her dealings. Whether or not you want to be here is out of the question. Namjoon is telling us to be personal security for a good woman, and that's something I'm willing to do. For Christ's sake, Jungkook, she donates to over fifty orphanages a year. One of them is yours, and by the looks of it, you were still in there when she was giving donations. The least we can do is make sure she stays safe."

My eyes widened at this. Yoongi wasn't one to speak much, mostly keeping his head down and doing what he thought was best for everyone else. However, this was different. He obviously knew something more, but I wasn't going to press it. Jungkook looked at his older brother, letting what he said sink in. After a moment, Jungkook nodded.

"What else do we need to know?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, according to herself, her assistant, and three police reports, there have been three break-ins over the last two months. That's why she came to us. Her previous security was being competent, and her assistant thought it was better to have a personal detail as well. Like you said, Yoongi. She does good work, not just to wear."

I continued briefing them for two hours about all the different aspects and soon they were leaving to get some R&R before tomorrow, their first day. I sat down, rubbing my temples. I was exhausted. I didn't know why, either. I slept well, I ate well, I exercised, I did everything I was supposed to in order to stay healthy. Letting my mind wander for a bit, it drifted over to the model, and I tried to shake her piercing gaze from my mind but I couldn't. That stare, the cold expression, it was like looking into a mirror, which was very uncommon. Not many people could be that emotionless in business, at least not that I'd seen. Hoseok tried once, but he just looked like he was constipated. I was surprised, to say the least, at her icy tone that was clearly reserved for business meetings and the likes, but I wouldn't be surprised if she used it on a misbehaving child.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I rung up Hoseok and told him to call Miss Lee's assistant to inform them that the two security people would be moving in the next day.

I was about to hang up when I heard Hoseok ask me if I was okay. Rubbing my eyes, I said, "Yeah, Hoseok, I'm alright. I'm just tired is all. I'm going home early. Lock up my office for me."

"Are you sure you're alright? You've never done this before," Hoseok said, sounding worried.

"Yes, I'm sure. I didn't sleep well last night," I lied.

"Well, alright. I'll see you Monday, Namjoon." He hung up and I opened up another number, texting it to come pick me up.

I rolled my neck while waiting outside, hearing it pop and crack in too many places. As the car pulled up, I felt a headache begin to form. Climbing in the car, I told him to drive me somewhere besides my home.

"Take me to Open Rouse."
A/N: I have ideas for other books for other members...... should I make a schedule and start one of those and do two uploads a week, one of each? That's what I'm thinking anyways...... I have a lot of free time now haha. Anyways, thanks for reading!!

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