Chapter 6

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Namjoon POV

I could tell by the way she walked that this woman was not going to be easy to negotiate with. I watched Hoseok talk briefly with the man who accompanied her, and I wondered if it was perhaps her boyfriend or even her husband. I couldn't see her left hand but he had a silver band on the ring finger. The two finished up paperwork outside and they came in, Hoseok sitting off to the side of my desk and the unknown man sitting beside her. It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up.

"I'm sure Jimin gave you the details over the phone," she started. "I have had some recent problems with break-ins in a few of my residences, and while I do have security, they obviously are not doing their job."

Her voice was nothing like I had expected it to be. Based off of her facial features, I had expected something a little harsh on the ears. However, her voice was melodic and feminine, contrasting with her slim yet visibly toned body.

Hoseok started to speak, asking for specifics about what was required. I looked away from her to look down at the simple report that was sent over, presumably by this Jimin character. I noticed a small mistake and looked up.

"One moment, Hoseok," I said, looking back over to the woman and (still) unknown man. "Your assistant, Jimin, seems to have left out a top range pricing."

I was startled when the mystery man began to chuckle a little, as did Hoseok.

"Mister Kim, sir," the man spoke, "That's me. I'm Jimin. And the price range was left blank. There is nothing Miss Lee wouldn't pay for her own safety."

I cleared my throat, slightly embarrassed. "Ah. I see."

The woman looked down and smirked a little, bringing her head back up and looking as if she had never smiled in the first place.

After arranging the details, Hoseok took the two down to one of the conference rooms to discuss numbers, leaving me to find the two men on detail.

I picked up the phone and dialed a number. It rang twice before someone picked up.

"Hello?" The voice was deep and gruff, as if years of yelling was beginning to take it's toll.

"It's me. I sent a file to your brother with details, but I'm taking you off of the Miso security detail and placing you on a new one, full time," I said.

"Of course. I'll get everything and pack. I'm guessing that we will be moving as well?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so. Come to Seoul as soon as you can."

"You know he won't be happy about leaving Busan."

"I know," I said, thinking about how much the little one enjoyed Busan. "Tell him it will be worth it. The pay is great, anyways."

"Always is. Alright, I'll call when we're in."

"Thank you."

"Goodbye, Namjoon."

"Goodbye, Yoongi."

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