Chapter 26

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Yujin was confused. She never woke up warm. She always managed to kick her blankets away, leaving her exposed to the cold nip from the air conditioner. Looking over, she was face to face with a man child.

Namjoon was still fast asleep, but the roles had somehow reversed and now he was hugging her like a Koala. 

Deciding not to wake the sleeping man, Yujin reached over and picked up her phone, scrolling through emails and text messages. 

From: Jigaemae

Jaehwa went to the company. PJ texted me. She did exactly what you thought. 

Yujin smiled at Jigaemae's name for her neurotic assistant. Sighing, Yujin glanced down at the koala wrapped around her waist. Smiling, she began running her hand through his hair. 

To: Jigaemae

Okay. Handled?

As Yujin scratched Namjoon's head, the male began waking up. Groaning, he pulled Yujin imossibly closer to his body. Yujin chuckled, hearing her phone ding.

From: Jigaemae 


Yujin put her phone down and focused on rubbing Namjoon's head. She pondered if he truly meant what he said last night, or maybe if he was just too tired to think straight. 

Lost in her thoughts, Yujin didn't notice that Namjoon had fully woken up and was staring up at the blank-faced beauty above him. 

"Morning." Namjoon said. Shaking her from her thoughts, Yujin looked down at him and smiled. 

"Morning." She replied. 

Unwrapping himself from around her, Namjoon made his decision. He wasn't going to shy away anymore. He was a confident businessman, a well mannered gentleman, and figured that he could respectfully flirt if he wanted.

Unbeknownst to him, however, Yujin made her decision as well. She wasn't going to let him do all the flustering anymore. She was a successful businesswoman, a confident speaker, and had a truthful (and frankly quite blunt) personality. She figured she could be straight with Namjoon. He clearly wasn't embarrassed with finding himself face to face with her breasts when he woke up.

Meanwhile, Yoongi woke up to his neck being positivly colored by none other than Kim Taehyung. 

"OH my god I told you, you're allowed to sleep. Sleep, Taheyung. Not touch, kiss, suck, brush, strangle, choke, brandish, or do anything other than sleep," Yoongi said, trying to push away Taehyung's head. 

Lifting his eyes to meet Yoongi's, Taehyung smirked.

"I like you." He said.

Sighing, Yoongi tried pushing his head away again.

"Get off, you loaf."

"I knew it." Taehyung said, pushing Yoongi's hands away. Taehyung knew that if Yoongi really wanted Taehyung to get off, he could easily shove him off. After all, Yoongi was the bodyguard, not Taehyung. While Yoongi was buff (but not as buff as Jungkook), Taehyung was toned, lean. While Yoongi had a solid back, Taehyung had a sculpted stomach. They looked like a match, but anyone who knew what Yoongi did for a living, knew that he could easily throw Taehyung off of himself and a good few feet away. 

"Knew what?" 

"You like me too."

Scoffing, Yoongi turned his head so as to avoid Taehyung's eyes.

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