Chapter 10

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Narrator POV

Yujin drove home after her encounter with Namjoon in her office but not before letting Namjoon know that if he was going to drop in again, he should call. After all, he didn't own her building, he couldn't waltz in whenever.

As she drove, Yujin let her mind wander back to Namjoon. Her professionalism seemed to annoy him in a visible way. She recounted the look on his face when he noticed the art on the wall, how he'd flinched at every other piece depicting death. She found it funny, that a man in the personal security business was put off by abstract images of death.

Yujin parked under her building, then rode the elevator up to her hall. Unlocking her door, she was met with the smell of eggs, ramen, and the loud noise of two voices.

"Shut up! Maybe she'll like it you don't know-"

"Jungkook you buffoon she's not going to want to eat that kind of food!"

Confused, she walked into her kitchen where she found two young men in all black arguing, one with a pair of chopsticks, the other with a spatula.

"Jungkook just let me eat some more!" The man asking for food had black hair and was extremely pale. He had a couple tattoos on his hands that disappeared up his sleeves and his ears had a few piercings. He wore a black leather jacket, black turtleneck, and black jeans. Even his socks were black.

"Yoongi sit down!" The one speaking back, with the spatula, had brown hair and wore a two piece black suit that hugged him tightly, a black turtleneck underneath. He only had a chain and two earrings, not appearing to sport any tattoos that were visible.

"Jungkook I swear to god-"

"Yoongi sit down you don't know-"

Yujin cleared her throat, catching the attention of the two men. Both immediately stopped talking and looked at her, their eyes wide and faces filled with horror. Yujin simply stood there, waiting for one of them to talk. Eventually, the black haired man straightened up and came to face her.

"Hello ma'am. My name is Min Yoongi, this is my brother Jeon Jungkook." He bowed, the other also bowing.

Yujin walked in and took the second pair of chopsticks from the counter, going over to the pot on the stove and trying the ramen. Jungkook looked at her with wide eyes, not realizing that they were going to be protecting someone so pretty. Chewing on the noodles, Yujin walked over to the cabinet that grabbed a bowl, pouring a little in there, then the rest into the empty bowl that was, presumably, Yoongi's.

Walking out of the kitchen, Yujin wandered into the living space. "Finish eating," she called. "We can discuss a few things after."

Yoongi looked at Jungkook, who was already staring at him.

"Well, you heard her. Finish eating, I guess," Jungkook said. Yoongi sat back down and stared at the ramen, suddenly not as hungry. Pushing his bowl to Jungkook, he told him to eat it then walked out and into the living room. Jungkook just looked at it, scrunched his nose, and started to walk into the living room before hearing Yoongi say, "Don't you dare leave that bowl full. Eat it."

Turning back around, Jungkook quickly scarfed down the ramen before rushing into the living room, where Yujin had already finished her food as well.

"I'm guessing Jimin showed you where everything was, so please feel free to use my kitchen and other utilities whenever. You live here now, so don't feel like guests," Yujin said. "I only have a few rules, but they are mostly just practical living agreements."

"Of course," said Yoongi, pulling out his phone to copy them down.

"First, if you use anything in the kitchen, clean it and put it away. Second, the bathroom is free range. I only use a small space in there, so please unpack anything you have. All I ask is that you don't leave anything open, laying around, or used on the counter, floor, or toilet top. Third, please be sure to remove your shoes once you come in. I don't care if you use slippers, that's your personal choice." Her phone dinged, and she pulled it out as she continued to speak. "Fourth, tell me before you have anyone over, such as friends, significant others, or even family." She slid her phone back into her pocket and looked back up.

"That was Jimin. You need to know that he is here every day, Monday through Friday, in the mornings. I am going to assume you have modes of transport, and if not, you are welcome to ride with us to work. The agreement that I made with Mister Jung and Mister Kim is that at least one of you needs to be with me at all times, except when I am home. I ask, however, that you do not follow me like a lost puppy. I'm not going to order you to do anything, or suddenly turn you into my assistant. You won't be doing coffee runs or any of that. You are my security, nothing less."

Yujin watched as Jungkook visibly deflated. Noticing her looking, he straightened back up. "Sorry. I just, I've been that and it's a relief you aren't like that. Not that you would be, I mean, you're perfect. No uh, well you are I just-"

"Put down the shovel, Jungkook," Yoongi said. Yujin smiled lightly, then continued.

"I don't expect either of you to pay me anything, either. I don't pay rent, I own the top three floors. When I go grocery shopping, yes I do that on my own, you can give me your lists and I will pick up what you need. If there is something you want before or after I have gone, you may go out and buy it. It will not be deducted or added to your paycheck."

"Speaking of," Yoongi interrupted, "What exactly is our pay? Namjoon said he didn't have final figures yet. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just, well, making sure we aren't being ripped off."

"I completely understand," Yujin replied. "You are paid weekly, each. There are benefits, such as days off for holidays or medical expenses covered, but you will both be making five figures every month."

Yujin watched as Jungkook's jaw dropped. "Is that not common?" She asked.

"No, no it's not," Yoongi said. "We are usually paid together, not separate."

"Well, if you're as good as Mister Kim and Mister Jung claim you are, then I believe in paying you fairly," Yujin said. "I don't plan on ripping anyone off."

"I think I'll stay forever," Jungkook said.

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