Chapter 13

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Narrator POV

The Saturday afternoon was spent leisurely, the five all gathered in Yujin's home. After a failed attempt at pancakes, Jungkook took the liberty and went into the kitchen, beginning to cook breakfast.

"Is he a good cook?" Yujin asked Yoongi while Jimin and Sui spoke.

"Yes, a really good cook. He always makes our meals wherever we go. I think he finds it relaxing. That and the last place we lived only had a television with two channels, one being a commercial channel and the other was a food one. He's always been happy to cook for people, too." Yujin noticed that Yoongi spoke about Jungkook with a sweet brotherly fondness, that there was an obvious connection between the two.

After Jungkook had made breakfast, all five ate, Jimin and Sui leaving soon after. Yoongi took the liberty of cleaning up, so Jungkook went off to take a nap in his and Yoongi's shared room. After cleaning up, Yoongi wandered around a bit, looking for Yujin so that they could speak. He found her nestled in her home office reading through some documents at her desk. Hearing him knock, Yujin looked up and motioned for Yoongi to come in.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yes. I was just, well, I wanted to speak with you about a couple nights ago," He said, sitting down in a chair.

"Oh, well, I don't think there's too much to talk about." Yujin began shuffling through the papers, trying to avoid eye contact with Yoongi.

"Yujin, I know I'm probably crossing a line, but I can't help but feel bad about not comforting you that night. You obviously went through something. I know what it's like, and I guess I just want you to know that I'm here if you need to talk."

Setting down her things, she looked at Yoongi with a small smile.

"Thank you Yoongi, but I put it behind me. I have already moved past it and I really don't want to revisit my past. I appreciate the thought, though," She said.

"Of course. If you need anything, I'll be in my room." Getting up, Yoongi made his way to his room where he found Jungkook sound asleep in the bed. Chuckling, Yoongi sat down at the desk and opened his computer, doing some work that he needed to catch up on.

A couple hours later, Jungkook woke up and headed to the gym to work out. Yujin was still in her office doing work, so Yoongi decided to fix some lunch. When he got to the kitchen, he rolled up his sleeves and began preparing things for a meal.

Wandering from the smell, Yujin watched as Yoongi worked, and noticed his tattoos for the first time. One on his knuckle was of the Roman numeral five. Another on his wrist was a vine with small flowers. He had a couple x's on his other hand, and many other different tattoos covered his arms, many disappearing up the rest of his sleeves.

"Yoongi?" Yujin called out. She went and sat down at the island.

"Yes?" He responded.

"What do your tattoos mean?"

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