Chapter 20

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This chapter will have multiple points of view, but all in the same moment. Italics are inner thoughts.

Yoongi POV

"Oh Namjoon! You know lady Yujin too? How fun," Taehyung said.

When the hell did they get back? Why does Namjoon look so pissed? Why is Yujin blushing? Why did I let Taehyung suck my dick!?

My thoughts were racing as I watched Taheyung smile at Yujin like he hadn't just given me the most amazing head ever.

"Um," I started, pointing at the door. "I'm just going to go. I'll be outside if you need anything." I rushed out of the office as fast as I could. I could feel the lustful stare of Taehyung, the confused one of Yujin, and the utterly disturbed one of Namjoon as I rushed out, sitting on a bench next to the receptionist.

Namjoon POV

I didn't listen to what Taehyung said as I entered the room. All I could think was; Why the hell does Taehyung know Yujin and what is he using her for?

My brother doesn't have friends. He has toys, which he uses for sex, or he has partners, which he uses for money and power. My concern was figuring out which one Yujin was.

I blinked out of my trance, and watched as Yoongi rushed out of the room.

"Namjoon," Yujin started. "Thank you for lunch, but I think Taehyung and I need to speak alone," she stated.

I couldn't bring myself to believe that they were possibly having sex, so I made myself believe that Taehyung must be using her for money.

"Are you in business with him?" I asked. I noticed Taehyung smirk out of the corner of my eye, and wanted to grab him and make him tell me his plans. I composed myself, however, and listened for Yujin's response.

"Not really, but he and I have some mutual affairs," She stated. I sagged in relief. "Why?" She continued. "What's your relationship with him anyways?"

I tensed, not wanting to reveal myself to be related to this dimwitted idiot, so I clenched my fists and looked down.

"We're brothers," I heard Taehyung answer for me. My head snapped up and I almost cursed him out, but then I remembered where I was and shut my mouth, deciding to deal with him later.

I watched as Yujin made no reaction, no visible one at least, and decided that she must not believe him. My mouth began to twitch up into a smile before she began to speak again.

"Very well," she said. "Namjoon, if you want to stay, you may, but I will meet with Taehyung in private," she finished.

Hanging my head in defeat, I trudged out of the office and slumped next to Yoongi on the bench outside.

Yujin POV

"Oh Namjoon! You know lady Yujin too? How fun," Taehyung said. I wasn't very pleased with him. I knew Taehyung from many photoshoots and magazines, having met him at many events and shows. I unfortunately also knew what a playboy he was, and how much he was cheating on one of my clients, Park Bogum.

"Um," Yoongi started. I turned my head to look at his still flustered expression. "I'm just going to go," he said, starting towards the door. "I'll be outside if you need anything," he expressed as he rushed out. Confused, I watched him before turning around and seeing Taehyung, eyeing Yoongi like a piece of meat.

I walked over and put away my purse, sitting down and turning around to look at Taehyung and Namjoon.

"Namjoon, thank you for lunch, but I think Taehyung and I need to speak alone." I watched as Taehyung giggled a little and Namjoon gave him a hard stare.

"Are you in business with him?" Namjoon asked.

"Not really, but he and I have some mutual affairs. Why? What's your relationship with him anyways?" I asked, standing up and walking around to the front of my desk.

Taehyung clasped his hands together and answered for him. "We're brothers!" He exclaimed.

I kept my face stoic but I internally screamed.

How the hell are these two men related? Taehyung is cute, yes, but Namjoon is flawless. There's no way they are from the same gene pool, I mean, Namjoon is smart and handsome and-

I closed my eyes and stopped my thoughts. Opening them, I began to speak.

"Very well. Namjoon, if you want to stay, you may, but I will meet with Taehyung in private," I said. I could tell it didn't sit well with him, but I would not allow any family drama to start in my office, especially when I know what Taehyung wants to talk about.

I watched as Namjoon sagged in what I believed to be defeat, then slowly walked out of the office and plop right next to Yoongi on the bench near my office reception.

"You know what this is about, don't you?" Taehyung asked.

"You should have known it would happen, Taehyung," I replied.

"Oh please. I wouldn't be here if I knew about it," he answered.

I scoffed and sat back down in my chair while he took a seat in front of me.

"It's not my fault that Bogum ran off with all your money, Taehyung."

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