Chapter 16

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Narrator POV

Jungkook was more than surprised when Namjoon called him.

What ended up happening was Jimin refused to let it go until Namjoon took Jungkook's place for a week or two and observed the growing relationship between Yoongi and Yujin. Namjoon attempted to argue, saying that he must run the company, being CEO, when Jimin suggested he had his two best people do it while he was gone. Namjoon, not prepared to deal with this, found himself sitting down to call Jungkook and relieving him of his job for two weeks, with pay.

Yoongi was almost angry when he heard, not understanding why his own brother was being sent off to spend "alone time" as Namjoon had called it. Namjoon soon explained, in private, to both Yoongi and Yujin, that there was a professional reason for his abrupt change in plans. Of course, he couldn't tell them the real reason, but he managed to persuade them, mostly Yoongi, out of anger and into acceptance.

The move was the least awkward part. Yujin was fine with the closeness of the CEO, not that she would admit it, yet she couldn't shake the feeling that he was lying about his reasons for being there. Of course, Yoongi and Jungkook also had their doubts, but Namjoon was their boss. They wouldn't dare go against what he deemed best.

After everyone was settled, Jungkook in another home of Yujins (which he had persistently declined until realizing that no was not an answer), and Namjoon in Yujin's current home, things began to settle into a routine. Namjoon and Yoongi would accompany Yujin in the mornings, Yoongi would stay until lunch, and Namjoon would come after to relieve Yoongi. At first, Yoongi did not want to leave, saying he was used to being there all day and that he didn't mind, but Namjoon reminded him that at some point he had to eat, to which Yoongi's stomach rumbled, eliciting a laugh from both males.

On Namjoon's end, he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary between Yujin and Yoongi. Sure, they were close, but just as Namjoon thought, there was nothing unprofessional going on. Jimin was upset after the first week, noticing how Yoongi acted differently when Namjoon was around, but soon realized that there was nothing more than a friendship there, both making him calm and more upset.

Jimin had been with Yujin for a while, and he considered himself her closest friend. He also considered her to be his closest friend, besides his wife. Having no other friends, Jimin was unaccustomed to being the "third wheel" as a friend.

However, once the second week began, Yoongi began to let loose a little more around Namjoon. He would be in her office chatting with her when Namjoon returned, and every time he stepped in, Yujins face would drop and she would once again become the emotionless business woman he had initially met.

It happened constantly, and Namjoon was starting to get upset. He was never someone to get jealous or to feel excluded, but something about Yujin and her demeanor drew him in, made him want to know her more. He was upset that he wasn't as close with her, so he decided to take action. Wednesday afternoon, before Yujin would go get her lunch in the cafeteria, Namjoon planned to ask her to go to lunch with him, professionally, of course.

Walking in mid conversation, both Yoongi and Yujin stopped talking when Namjoon entered. Namjoon, once again, felt that pang of hurt in his stomach. If it had only been Yujin, it could have been different, but it was both Yujin and Yoongi.

Holding his head up, Namjoon summoned his courage and began speaking.

"Miss Lee, I was curious if you would join me for lunch," he said fluidly.

Yujin was surprised, glancing at Yoongi, who wore his confusion on his face, as opposed to her trained stoney expression.

"And what might have prompted this, Mr. Kim?" She asked.

Namjoon chuckled, prepared to professionally answer. "I would just like to get to know my client a little better, that's all. You seem to have Yoongi entranced," He said, glancing to said male, who's eyes only widened even more.

Yoongi, flabbergasted, just looked at Namjoon and Yujin, feeling the electric chill in the air, as if some kind of unspoken challenge was being battled out right in front of him, invisible to anyone outside the room.

The two business people stared one another in the eye. Yoongi determined that it looked like a fight between a strong, alpha wolf and a sly lioness. The two looked almost feral, as if there was some kind of unspoken conversation happening with just their eyes, before Yujin blinked and smiled.

"Of course, Mister Kim. Let me grab my coat and we can go," she said, turning around. "Unless, of course, you just plan to take me to my own cafeteria, in which I'll leave it here."

Namjoon chuckled at her tone. "Please, grab your coat. But don't bother with anything else, this will be my treat."

Yoongi's jaw dropped.

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