Chapter 1

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Namjoon POV

I made my way down the long corridor to my office, briefly checking in with Hoseok before entering, closing the door behind me.

The floor to ceiling windows allowed an overlook of Seoul from where I sat. The dark wood of my desk contrasted nicely with the light interior, including a beige rug, a small, light, wooden coffee table, and two white metal chairs. The birch bookshelves held over a hundred different books, ranging from business to leisure, and small succulents sat atop them.

I sat down, enjoying the comfortable atmosphere of my office, and took a deep breath before beginning my day. Using the office phone, I rang for Hoseok.

I liked Hoseok. He was a rather good secretary. He always anticipated what I might need, organized my schedule well, kept me running on time, and even offered a good opinion here and there. The way he thought was refined and organized, much like his personality. It often showed in his work and what he wore as well. Professionally dressed, well styled and groomed hair, and cleanly shaved, I can understand why someone might think he was a CEO himself.

"Right. Namjoon. You called?" He stepped in at this point, allowing me to see his figure. He slightly dipped his head down in a quick bow of respect then moved closer before I began speaking.
"I need you to call this number, if you don't mind. Do you remember the client you sent yesterday?" I handed him a small note with a number scrawled onto it.
"Yes, of course. The model?"
"Yes. Her. I decided to take it on. It's not like me to decline someone who might hold so much money, anyways."
Hoseok chuckled along with me, then nodded his head and walked out.

Rubbing my head, I began the long hours before lunch of delegating, signing, and overseeing. Hoseok walked back in an hour later with my schedule for the day, having two meetings. One was with my brother and his current boy-toy, the other with this new client, the model.
"Oh, and Namjoon?" Hoseok suddenly interrupted himself.
"Yes, Hoseok?"
"You should know, this new client, she says that she won't only be requiring a system. She's asking for the premium, for two personal guards."
"Right. I'll determine who she needs after the meeting. For now, let's assume an average, then run the numbers so that I have some kind of payment to give her."
"Of course." Hoseok left my office, leaving me with more work.

After a couple hours, it was time to meet with my brother. Exiting my office, Hoseok immediately got up and came along with me, the two of us climbing into the elevator along with someone new. Looking at Hoseok, I put on a questionable face, since there was rarely anyone who came to any private meetings.

"The intern, Namjoon." Hoseok spoke with a smirk, obviously amused that I had already forgotten that I opened up LQ Securities for business internships. Turning to me, the small intern just stared wide-eyed.
"Get out."
I could practically feel Hoseok's smirk.
"I-I'm sorry?" The little girl didn't even know I was speaking to her.
"Private meetings are called private for a reason. Get out." Clicking the button for the next floor, the doors soon opened and the intern scrambled out, turning around to stare as the doors closed in front of her.
Hoseok soon after began to chuckle. "Namjoon, you could have given her some warning, you know."
"That's no fun." I smirked, Hoseok's now laughter rubbing off on me.
"Fair enough."

The doors soon opened up onto the conference floor. Walking to the third room, I braced myself and heard Hoseok take a deep breath, obviously preparing himself for my brothers ceaseless attempts to get in his pants. Opening the door, I wasn't even surprised when I saw my brother sat atop his "boyfriend" fervently making out, tongue and all.

I cleared my throat and watched as the unfamiliar boy jumped, shoving my little brother off of him, causing him to land on the floor.

Grunting and standing up, my brother smiled.
"Oh, come on. Not going to help me up, Hoseok?"
Hoseok ignored him, sitting down and opening the folder containing the meetings information.

"Party pooper." My brother turned to me and smiled wide, almost causing me to smile with him. He does have a rather contagious smile, after all.
"Good to see you, big brother! It's been too long." He gave me a hug, and I returned it briefly before pulling away to gesture for him to sit.

"Good to see you too, Taehyung."

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