Chapter 15

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Narrator POV

Jungkook noticed a difference in the way Yoongi and Yujin acted around one another. Anyone else would have thought they were simply being nice people, but Jungkook knew his brother and his boss. He knew that something had changed in their relationship.

At first, he just thought that Yujin was finally getting comfortable with the two of them living in her house, until he caught the two up late, talking on the balcony, alone. He saw Yoongi laugh, full smile and everything, and watched as Yujin set her hand on his. Not wanting to cause an interruption, Jungkook just retreated to his room, confused.

Even when they would accompany Yujin to the office, Jungkook was always the one to wander off. Yoongi never left Yujin, and from what Jungkook could tell, Yoongi would go inside after Jungkook had gone.

Yujin also noticed the changes. After spilling her heart to Yoongi, the two seemed to share a bond, and it was something she never thought she would get again.

Jimin, on the other hand, was pissed. He valued his closeness with Yujin, and it was suddenly ripped away from him by this Yoongi person. Sui had tried to comfort him, but he just couldn't get the image of the two laughing and drinking the coffee, that Jimin had already gotten, in Yujin's office. He was jealous, and Jimin did not like being a jealous man. He decided to do something about it, so he went to LQ Securities to speak with Namjoon.

Namjoon was minding his own business when he heard Hoseok begin to raise his voice at someone outside. Getting up, Namjoon had almost reached the door when it swung open, almost knocking him over. Ready to yell, Namjoon closed his mouth when coming face to face with an angry Park Jimin and a very flustered Hoseok.

"I'm so sorry Namjoon I tried to stop him. He's so flexible," Hoseok rambled out.

"It's fine, Hoseok." Turning to Jimin, Namjoon spoke. "Mr. Park. Please. Come sit. Can I get you anything?" He asked.

"No thank you, I just need to speak with you about one of your employees." Jimin spoke shortly and with a slight touch of venom.

Gesturing over to the chairs in front of his desk, Namjoon sat behind it, waiting for Jimin to begin speaking.

"Min Yoongi needs to be taken off of Yujins protection detail," Jimin said, getting straight to the point.

Namjoon tilted his head, confused. "I'm sorry, did you just ask to have one of my best men removed from protecting your boss?"

"Yes. He is inappropriate and I don't think he's being professional," Jimin said.

Namjoon caught on, suddenly furrowing his brows. It didn't sound like Yoongi to start getting intimate, as Jimin made it seem, with a client.

"You must be mistaken, Mr. Park. Min Yoongi is not at all that kind of man," Namjoon said in a level tone.

"No, I'm right. He has gotten too close to Yujin and it's borderline clingy. I don't think it's appropriate so I came to you to have him removed."

Namjoon internally smiled, realizing what was most likely getting to Jimin.

"Mr. Park, are you aware that there is a level of comfort that my men must have with their clients?" Namjoon asked, making sure to not upset the assistant any further than necessary.

"Well, yes, but-"

"And, Mr. Park, are you aware that since there are two of them, one is bound to get close for professional reasons?"

"Yes and I'm merely saying that-"

"Mr. Park I think that you have confused Mr. Min's intentions."

At this point, Jimin was livid. Standing up, he said the first thing that came into his head.

"If you don't believe me then why don't you take Jeon Jungkook's place and observe them yourself?"

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