could've been

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special thanks to GrnleighBlu and Poet1cOne 💕
|karen| it's been a couple weeks since deajas birthday and like always everything has been sailing smoothly.. except she keeps pushing off on us meeting brad.

I gave her plenty of space but me being me I was nosy and wanted to see what he was about. After bugging her for the longest we finally got her to crack so now we would be meeting at outback.

Today all that I've been doing so far is small chores around the house.. with the help of dee and drew we had only been cleaning for about two hours and we were half way done.

The downstairs was done so now everyone moved up the stairs to tackle it before the dinner reservation.

"I got the kids rooms and the guest rooms" dee said before walking off into kalis room. "I have our room and bathroom." Drew said secondly leaving me with the bathrooms and the hallways.

After about another half hour or so so we all finished and were getting ready for the dinner at 7:30.

I wasn't about to do to much so I put on a sundress with my converses. I looked over my shoulder to find drew looking me up and down.

"You look sexy today" i said softly rubbing my hand up and down his chest. "That's all you k" he said lowly making my center throb.

"You know we could just stay home" I said seductively trailing my hand down to his buckle.

He had on a turtle neck with black slacks and his black dress shoes.. he knew my weakness for turtle necks.

"I see you like it" he said smiling looking down at me fiddling with his belt buckle. "You know I do, let's go so we can hurry back home and I can have what's mine" I said quickly tapping his cheek before turning to get my purse.

"Deaja we're about to walk out the door come onnn" I yelled out. She came up the stairs in a black jean skirt with a multi colored sweater that hung off her shoulder.. to top it off she had on some slightly pulled up socks with her ugg boots.

"I should've worn my uggs" I said to myself as we walked out the door. We all rode in silence until we pulled into the restaurant.

"Where he at?" Drew asked as we sat in the waiting area. "I don't know, he knew the time of the reservation" dee said pulling out her phone while her fingers danced across the screen.

"Imma give him fifteen minutes" i thought to myself scrolling through my Instagram feed. I looked back up at the screen and it had been well past twenty minutes.

Okay that was the first red flag.. but I kept that to myself. After what seemed like forever a young boy I assumed to be brad came busting through the door looking around.

He had on some dark washed jeans, a polo shirt and some tennis shoes with a man jumping on the side.. I'm not sure what kind.. I don't keep up with this generations things.

The boy spotted us and immediately walked up to deaja greeting her then grabbing her hand walking off. She looked back and mouthed "I'm so sorry"

I looked over at drew and shook my head in disapproval.. that's the second red flag but I didn't think anything of it.

|deaja| "brad why are you acting like this, you're supposed to be convincing them that you're the right one for me.. that was rude back there" I scolded him as we came back from the bathroom.

"Why do I have to prove to them that I'm the right one for you, that's some bogus shit" he said with a annoyed face.

"Brad they are damn near my parents, if you can't respect them then we have nothing to talk about" I said walking off back to the table they sat at.

He came trailing behind me plopping in his seat looking over the menu. "so, what's your name young man?" Auntie asked... everybody else knew that she knew his name but I guess she was trying to test out the waters.

"Brad" he said still looking down at his phone. I rolled my eyes and just sat through this long drawn out dinner.

I'd have to have a long talk with him.. I loved him but the rudeness was uncalled for. We were putting our food into to-go plates when he finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry for how I acted tonight, I haven't had the best day.. I found out my granny is still taking chemo and they said it's nothing much they can do.. it's not excuse for showing my tail but maybe we could do a do-over another day?" He asked looking between all three of us.

Now that there is the brad I knew and loved. "I'm sorry to hear that sweet heart, it's a great excuse I just wish you would've let us know before hand.. you had me a little worried" auntie said grabbing his hand.

"Yeah what my wife said, we'll definitely be keeping your granny in our prayers." Unc said softly smiling.

"B you know if I knew I would've rescheduled everything" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. By now we made it outside in the parking lot.

"Yeah I know, thanks for the dinner... y'all drive safely" he said walking off to his car."you too" auntie k said before turning to me.

"He was a nice boy, good job" she said winking at me. We drove back to the house and i immediately went downstairs to wash the whole day off.

It was getting late so I wouldn't be doing much tonight but laying around.. maybe finishing up some homework.

I got out the shower and was putting on my clothes when I got the text that he had made it home safely.

Finally fully dressed for bed I trailed up stairs heading into the kitchen when I heard the most disturbing noises come from the kitchen.

"Mmm drew" her voice ringed through the house and his hushes to quiet down to follow. Ready to throw up right there I went back down the stairs to grab my car keys, phone, laptop, chargers and purse and hurried up and ran out the door.

I drove in silence all the way to auntie dorindas house, her and my other aunties and cousins were my only escape so I used my key I had made for the house and walked in.

"Hey baby dee what you doing here this late?" She asked me stuffing her mouth with a handful of chips.

"I walked in on your sister and brother having sex so I came here" I said dryly not wanting to remember what I heard.

She bursted out into a laughing fit that lasted all of five minutes. "Auntie that's not funny, that's disgusting" I said in pure disgust.

"That is so funny, if I were you I'd just go on upstairs and crash with kashie cause you won't get no type of sleep at that house" she choked out still laughing.

Shaking my head I went into my little cousins room and sat my things down. She ran my ear off about her dolls she got earlier and all I did was try and distract myself from what I heard.

I laid there in the dark with the sounds of cartoons in the background.. I thought and analyzed my whole day up until this point thinking of things I could've done different.. all before I fell asleep not knowing what tomorrow could bring me.

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