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The blond haired-male grabbed his jacket exiting his apartment complex, as he walked towards his work place he came across a little girl crying on the sidewalk looking down at her fallen ice cream. The blonde's heart squeezed in his chest, he then crouched down next to the little girl.

"What happened?" She looked at him, tears forming in the corner of her eyes as she held back a sob.

"M-my ice c-cream fell, a-and I-I had just b-bought it and now I c-can't have another one" the blonde's heart parted in half at the sight and so he took out his wallet walking toward the ice cream shop, buying the girl another ice cream. Once it was paid, he brought it up to the young girl who smiled wide and hugged him before taking the ice cream. Right as he was about to turn around, the little girl called for him.

"What's your name?" She asked with big eyes.

"I'm Jimin, nice to meet you" He playfully bowed, making the child giggle before turning around, leaving Jimin smiling all the way towards his workplace.

The whole time, above him, on the branch of a tree, a brunette had been observing the entire time, a big grin plastered on his angelic face.


A deep sigh escaped Yoongi's parted lips as he shut down his computer, turning the lights off before exiting his studio. He had been working for days on a new song but couldn't get it right, something was missing but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. On his way home, he bumped into some old man, cursing him silently. He hated people and social interaction, his only friend was Namjoon whom also happened to be his neighbor. At first Yoongi had done a lot to try and get rid of his annoying neighbor but it was no use, in the end Yoongi decided to open up to him a bit and he though of the man as his best friend. Even if sometimes Yoongi wished he could turn back time and never speak to Namjoon, most of the time he was happy that his handsome neighbor hadn't given up on talking to him, because if it hadn't been for him, Yoongi would've ended his life a long time ago.

The ravenette took out his set of keys but to couldn't find the key to his apartment. The boy let out a groan of annoyance, it was the second time this week that his apartment key went missing and it would always appear in Namjoon's apartment. Yoongi dragged his feet towards his neighbor's door, knocking a few times but no one answered, he then called his friend who turned out. Yet another groan of frustration escaped his lips, Yoongi truly was the unluckiest man on earth. After a while, the latter decided to go grab a cup of coffee to take his mind off things and think of a way to break into his apartment.

Behind the corner, a muscular boy was watching him, a devilish smile tugging on his thin lips.


"Goodbye, thank you for coming" Jimin smiled at the lady, before turning his gaze towards the café's door; the bell had rung, signaling a new client. 

The blonde looked around for his co-worker who was supposed to welcome the new customer, but he remembered that Hyungwon had left early today due to his boyfriend being sick. He turned back towards the door, but the customer wasn't there anymore, Jimin's head whipped to the side as he saw a raven-haired boy sitting in one of the booths, looking at the menu while distractingly playing on his phone. Making his way over to the boy, Jimin rearranged his hair and cloths, trying to look presentable.

"Hello, what can I get you?" Without looking up, Yoongi ordered a frozen cappuccino and a slice of apple pie. Jimin noticed the cold tone and rude attitude of his customer and simply nodded before heading towards the kitchen.

"Hey Minyhuk, one frozen café and apple pie, please" Jimin softly told the cook who smiled back at him ruffling his hair.

Ding ding ding.

The bell rung again and Jimin welcomed and seated the new customers before taking their order with a bright smile. Soon enough the ravenette's order was ready and Jimin brought it to his table, slightly afraid of the boy, Jimin didn't try and engage a conversation much to the elder's content.

The smell of pastries and coffee, the gentle giggles and small talks inside the café, were the things that made Jimin's day brighter. He loved his job and most people loved coming this particular café for the said waiter. Of course, sometimes there were less nice customers like Yoongi but Jimin believed that no one was truly a bad or rude person, and whenever he came across one, he would choose not to invade their space, because most of the time that's simply what they want, they want to be alone and he understands that. It had taken him some time to figure this out with one of his friends, his name was Changkyun, and he was, well he was pretty much a loner but when you got past his defenses and barriers, he's an amazing human being. 

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