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Taehyung's P.O.V

I heard the sobs and immediately started looking for Jimin, he was curled up in a ball in the corner of his living room, bawling his eyes out. I wanted nothing more then to hug him and tell him everything would be alright, but I knew I couldn't. I had to understand why he was like this, I crouched down next to him, still in my hidden form as I touched his arm, closing my eyes. I could feel his emotion, it was like that, we had a bond, and I could feel his sadness and the reason why.

Warning: Assault! Skip if you're sensible to that topic.


Jimin's P.O.V

I storm out of the café after getting yelled at by that prick. He was lucky he was a client and that I didn't want to lose my job otherwise I would've punched his pale face.

What is wrong with me, I'm never violent like this?

I sighed deeply and started walking towards the park, on my way there I crossed the road and almost got hit by a car and had gotten showered with insults from the angry driver. I then went into a small store and managed somehow to make all the bottles of ginger ale fall from inside the fridge creating an ocean of bubbling drink, which led me to another yelling session from the owner of the store. 

Half dizzy from all the yelling and emotions I start walking home when I feel like someone was following me. My heart beat sped up and I started walking faster and faster. I was so caught up I didn't notice I had walked into an alley and was now stuck. Shaking, I turn around and see a shadow standing in front of me. Each time I would take a step backwards he would take one forwards until he was right in front of me. To my surprise he was very handsome, with his brown chocolate eyes, plumped lips, soft brown hair, broad shoulder.

 I was so mesmerized by his beauty I didn't see his hands grabbing me by the hips and pushing me against the wall, I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he only tightened it, with one hand he pinned both my hands above my head. His hold was so strong I was sure it would leave a bruise on my wrists. He kissed my neck and started to suck and bite my skin. I could feel tears brimming in the corner of my eyes, I felt weak and disgusted, I tried pushing him but to no avail. Finally, he released his grip on my hips but I soon felt a hand roaming on my chest as  I screamed for help but his hand left my torso to clasp against my mouth, keeping me quiet. I bite one of his fingers and start to push him away, I see him fall onto the ground and start running but something grabs my shirt and yanks me to the ground. 

I gasped as my back hit the hard concrete, I look up and saw him looking at me with a disturbing smirk that made my skin crawl.

"Such a waste of a good piece of ass"

I barely had time to process when i felt a kick hit me in the ribs. I stopped breathing, the pain being too great. I see him about to hit me again, when someone threw him of me and into the wall knocking him out. My eyes made out a blurry figure approaching me as I blinked a few times until I could finally see the person who had saved me clearly. He had red hair, thin eyes and thin pink lips.

"W-who are you?" He smiled softly and crouched down in front of me. 

"It doesn't matter, are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you" I looked at my assailer before shivering.

"Don't worry I'll take care of him, he won't hurt you again." I quickly nodded before attempting to get up but failed as pain shot up through my body. The red-haired boy handed his hands out for me to take them which I shyly did.

"Do you need help to go back to your apartment?"

"Um n-no it's okay" I took one step before I fell once again clutching my stomach in pain.

"Here, let me help you" I felt him snake his arm around my waist and the other around his neck. Without even telling me who he was, he ended up walking me to my apartment door. So, there I stood, facing this gorgeous stranger, not knowing what to do or what to say.

"I have to go, I'm sorry for what happened to you today"

"It's okay, it's not your fault. Thank you for saving me" He smiled, and I melted at the sight. He was just perfect, a true angel. (wink wink)

"What's your name? Please? I'd love to repay you"

"We'll see each other again, I'm sure of that" he started walking away but turned and looked at me.

"The name is Kihyun, by the way" He smiled once more and left, leaving me flustered and confused.

End of flashback

I opened my eyes and looked at my poor Jimin, I now knew what had happened and felt my blood boil. There were two things I knew for sure; I recognized the angel Kihyun and I was positive he had something to do with the man who attacked Jimin, and that what happened to him today was not normal and I bet it had to do with the demon, but I would deal with him later. Right now, I needed to set things straight with the other angel.

In the meantime I touched Jimin's forehead and he fell asleep right away. I picked him up and brought him to his bedroom, laying him down under the covers. I turned off the lights and made sure he dreamed of something happy before I stepped outside in the cold, dark night. 

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